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A set of scripts that deploy Curio Stablecoin System to an Ethereum chain of your choosing


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DSS deployment scripts

A set of scripts that deploy dss to an Ethereum chain of your choosing.

Curio Deployment Guide


  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • A user in the sudoers group

Creating a new user

  • Create a new user adduser ubuntu
  • Add the user to sudoers group usermod -aG sudo ubuntu
  • Optionally, if you don't want to enter your password each time the installation process asks, run sudo visudo
  • Add the following line at the end of the file: ubuntu ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

Preparing deployment environment

  • Install NIX environment curl -L | sh
  • Run this or login again to use Nix . "$HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/"
  • Clone this repo and cd into it git clone && cd dss-deploy-scripts
  • Drop into a Nix Bash shell with all dependency installed (will take 1-3 hours for the first run depending on your system) nix-shell --pure
  • Use ETH v3 encoded private key and copy JSON part to ./keystore/me.json
  • Copy the password from the step above to ./keystore/pwd


In the following script replace

  • 0x515e7e1b2546d9e2bbe571bd3d9405bc1c4dd701 with your address encoded into ETH v3 file
  • with a correct ETH RPC endpoint

and run the following command:

ETH_FROM=0x515e7e1b2546d9e2bbe571bd3d9405bc1c4dd701 \
ETH_PASSWORD=./keystore/pwd \
ETH_KEYSTORE=./keystore \
TMPDIR=/tmp \
dss-deploy kovan -f ./config/custom.json

Kovan Deployment

You can claim some test CT1 and MKR tokens at the faucet using interface. To do this go to the faucet and scroll down to the gulp method. Specify a token address, click Write button and then confirm the transaction using Metamask. Use the following addresses for test tokens:

  • CT1: 0xBfF814EFBd42b2c9739750876EEc0451F9Bb9555
  • MKR: 0x638D3d19aF9E1AcE2944976A1A99bF01Cf2FAdAB


This repo is composed of two steps:

  • Bash scripts to modify the state of the base system

At the end of the first step, the addresses of deployed contracts are written to an out/addresses.json file. The scripts read those addresses and use seth and dapp to modify the deployment, using the values in out/config.json.


The only way to install everything necessary to deploy is Nix. Run

$ nix-shell --pure

to drop into a Bash shell with all dependency installed.

Ethereum node

You'll also need an Ethereum RPC node to connect to. Depending on your usecase, this could be a local node (e.g. dapp testnet) or a remote one.


There are 2 main pieces of configuration necessary for a deployment:

  • Ethereum account configuration
  • Chain configuration

Account configuration

seth relies on the presence of environment variables to know which Ethereum account to use, which RPC server to talk to, etc.

If you're using nix-shell, these variables are set automatically for you in shell.nix.

But you can also configure the below variables manually:

  • ETH_FROM: address of deployment account
  • ETH_PASSWORD: path of account password file
  • ETH_KEYSTORE: keystore path
  • ETH_RPC_URL: URL of the RPC node

Chain configuration

Some networks have a default config file at config/<NETWORK>.json, which will be used if non custom config values are set. A config file can be passed via param with flag -f allowing to execute the script in any network (e.g. dss-deploy testchain -f <CONFIG_FILE_PATH>). As other option, custom config values can be loaded as an environment variable called DDS_CONFIG_VALUES. File passed by parameter overwrites the environment variable.

Below is the expected structure of such a config file:

  "description": "",
  "omniaFromAddr": "<Address being used by Omnia Service (only for testchain)>",
  "omniaAmount": "<Amount in ETH to be sent to Omnia Address (only for testchain)>",
  "pauseDelay": "<Delay of Pause contract in seconds>",
  "vat_line": "<General debt ceiling in CSC unit>",
  "vow_wait": "<Flop delay in seconds>",
  "vow_sump": "<Flop fixed bid size in CSC unit>",
  "vow_dump": "<Flop initial lot size in MKR unit>",
  "vow_bump": "<Flap fixed lot size in CSC unit>",
  "vow_hump": "<Flap Surplus buffer in CSC unit>",
  "jug_base": "<Base component of stability fee in percentage per year (e.g. 2.5)>",
  "pot_dsr": "<Csc Savings Rate in percentage per year (e.g. 2.5)>",
  "end_wait": "<Global Settlement cooldown period in seconds>",
  "esm_pit": "<Pit address to send MKR to be burnt when ESM is fired>",
  "esm_min": "<Minimum amount to trigger ESM in MKR unit>",
  "flap_beg": "<Minimum bid increase in percentage (e.g. 5.5)>",
  "flap_ttl": "<Max time between bids in seconds>",
  "flap_tau": "<Max auction duration in seconds>",
  "flop_beg": "<Minimum bid increase in percentage (e.g. 5.5)>",
  "flop_pad": "<Increase of lot size after `tick` in percentage (e.g. 50)>",
  "flop_ttl": "<Max time between bids in seconds>",
  "flop_tau": "<Max auction duration in seconds>",
  import: {
    "gov": "<GOV token address (if there is an existing one to import)>",
    "authority": "<Authority address (if there is an existing one to import)>",
    "proxyRegistry": "<Proxy Registry address (if there is an existing one to import)>",
    "faucet": "<Faucet address (if there is an existing one to import)>"
  "tokens": {
    "<ETH|COL>": {
      "import": {
        "gem": "<Gem token address (if there is an existing one to import)>",
        "pip": "<Price feed address (if there is an existing one to import)>"
      "pipDeploy": { // Only used if there is not a pip imported
        "osmDelay": "<Time in seconds for the OSM delay>",
        "type": "<median|value>",
        "price": "<Initial oracle price (only if type == "value")>",
        "signers": [
            <Set of signer addreeses (only if type == "median")>
      "ilks": {
        "A": {
          "mat": "<Liquidation ratio value in percentage (e.g. 150)>",
          "line": "<Debt ceiling value in CSC unit>",
          "dust": "<Min amount of debt a CDP can hold in CSC unit>"
          "duty": "<Collateral component of stability fee in percentage per year (e.g. 2.5)>",
          "chop": "<Liquidation penalty value in percentage (e.g. 12.5)>",
          "lump": "<Liquidation Quantity in Collateral Unit>",
          "beg": "<Minimum bid increase in percentage (e.g. 5.5)>",
          "ttl": "<Max time between bids in seconds>",
          "tau": "<Max auction duration in seconds>"

Default config files

Currently, there are default config files for 3 networks:

  • a local testchain (e.g. dapp testnet)
  • Kovan
  • Mainnet

Deploy on local testchain with default config file

dss-deploy testchain

It is possible to pass a value to define a testing scenario via -c flag (e.g. dss-deploy testchain -c crash-bite)

The only case currently available is:

  • crash-bite

Deploy on Kovan with default config file

dss-deploy kovan

Deploy on Mainnet with default config file

dss-deploy main

Deploy on any network passing a custom config file

dss-deploy <NETWORK> -f <CONFIG_FILE_PATH>


Successful deployments save their output to the following files:

  • out/addresses.json: addresses of all deployed contracts
  • out/config.json: copy of the configuration file used for the deployment
  • out/abi/: JSON representation of the ABIs of all deployed contracts
  • out/bin/: .bin and .bin-runtime files of all deployed contracts
  • out/meta/: meta.json files of all deployed contracts
  • out/dss-<NETWORK>.log: output log of deployment

Helper scripts

The auth-checker script loads the addresses from out/addresses.json and the config file from out/config.json and verifies that the deployed authorizations match what is expected.


To enable full reproducibility of our deployments, we use Nix.

This command will drop you in a shell with all dependencies and environment variables definend:

nix-shell --pure

You can even run deploy scripts without having to clone this repo:

nix run -f -c dss-deploy testchain

Dependencies are managed through a central repository referenced in nix/pkgs.nix and the main Nix expression to build this repo is in default.nix.

Smart Contract Dependencies

To update smart contract dependencies use dapp2nix:

nix-shell --pure
dapp2nix help
dapp2nix list
dapp2nix up vote-proxy <COMMIT_HASH>

To clone smart contract dependencies into working directory run:

dapp2nix clone-recursive contracts

Additional Documentation


  • More cases to test scenarios for testchain script


A set of scripts that deploy Curio Stablecoin System to an Ethereum chain of your choosing







No packages published


  • Shell 96.0%
  • Nix 4.0%