20.May 2020
- Still learning some important things outside of Git. Algos, math etc.
- Udemy, YouTube and books are my best friends now. #Python
17.April 2020
- Functions, Classes, Arrays and some mini side learning as Flask and Pandas
4.April 2020
- Mini project Sorter - DONE
- I think it took me one whole day. Maybe two.
30.Mär 2020
29.Mär 2020
- Bootstraping
26.Mär 2020
- It's time to learn some front-end things.
25.Mär 2020
- I created the project Skrapy.
- It took me a couple of days, because of learning, searching and reading, but I learned a lot of new things.
10.Mär 2020
- Tuples
7.Mär 2020
- Lists, Ranges
1.Mär 2020
- Handling errors, debugging etc.
25.Feb 2020
- Loops, Lists, while, if
23.Feb 2020
- Functions are sometimes really confusing, newbie problems :))
22.Feb 2020
- First Linux commit
19.Feb 2020
- I think, I'm in love with Python.
- I have it here as my progress notepad.
- Let's see how far I can go?