How to execute:
/opt/spark/spark-1.3.0/bin/spark-submit --master spark:// --driver-memory 7g --conf spark.executor.memory=4g --total-executor-cores 1 --class de.hpi.dbda.Main /home/martin.gebert/spark-caching.jar pathToHDFSNetflixFile pathToResultFile executionMethod{strings,ints,trie,fpc} minimumSupport confidence
For example:
/opt/spark/spark-1.3.0/bin/spark-submit --master spark:// --driver-memory 7g --conf spark.executor.memory=4g --total-executor-cores 1 --class de.hpi.dbda.Main /home/martin.gebert/spark-caching.jar hdfs://tenemhead2:8020/data/netflix.txt /home/mariya.perchyk/result.txt trie 3500 0.3
- Strings - the simplest version of the apriori algorithm with transaction items represented as strings
- Ints - apriori algorithm that parses the transactions items as integers
- Trie - apriori algorithm that uses tries (prefix trees) to store its candidates. This noticably speeds up the lookup.
- FPC - FPC version of the apriori algorithm, suggested in the paper "Apriori-based Frequent Itemset Mining Algorithms on MapReduce"
- iterations-notoptimized - uses Flink's delta iteration and no optimizations
- iterations-optimized - uses Flink's delta iteration and suggested optimization
- noiterations - uses manual loop unrolling
How to execute:
/opt/flink/flink-0.9.0/bin/flink run [-yjm 7168 -ytm 4096] -c de.hpi.dbda.Main pathToTheJarFile pathToHDFSNetflixFile pathToResultFile executionMethod{strings,ints,trie,fpc} minimumSupport confidence
For example:
/opt/flink/flink-0.9.0/bin/flink run -yjm 7168 -ytm 4096 -c de.hpi.dbda.Main /home/martin.gebert/iterations-notoptimized.jar hdfs://tenemhead2:8020/data/netflix.txt /home/mariya.perchyk/result.txt trie 3500 0.3
/opt/flink/flink-0.9.0/bin/flink run -yjm 7168 -ytm 4096 -c de.hpi.dbda.Main /home/martin.gebert/iterations-optimized.jar hdfs://tenemhead2:8020/data/netflix.txt /home/mariya.perchyk/result.txt trie 3500 0.3
/opt/flink/flink-0.9.0/bin/flink run -yjm 7168 -ytm 4096 -c de.hpi.dbda.Main /home/martin.gebert/noiterations.jar hdfs://tenemhead2:8020/data/netflix.txt /home/mariya.perchyk/result.txt trie 3500 0.3