The Graph Mining application uses Apache Spark or Apache Flink to find either the maximum Truss or all specific k-Trusses in a graph.
The input file is expected to consist of one line per edge in the graph. Each line must begin with an integer followed by a separator and another integer. Both these integers must equate to node IDs in the graph.
Both Projects require Java 7 and Maven.
To build a project, execute "Maven Install" in the main project directory.
We recommend using IntelliJ when working on either project.
Calculates all unique triangles in the graph.
Calculates all k-trusses in the graph, where k is defined by the user. A k-truss is a maximal subgraph in which every edge is part of at least k-2 triangles.
Calculates all trusses with the maximum k value in the graph. The initial k value for the algorithm is defined by the user.
Launch Parameters:
- 0: mode [string] -- The portion of the program to be exectued. Valid inputs: triangle, truss, maxtruss
- 1: input path [string] -- path to the file containing the graph data, formatted as described above
- 2: output path [string] -- path where the output should be written to
- 3: separator [string] -- the separator used between an edge's nodes, as described above
- 4: partitioning [int] -- number of partitions the data should be split into, should be a multiple of the number of workers available
- 5: [optional depending on mode] (starting) k value [int] -- k value for the truss mode or initial k value for the maxtruss mode
Example Launch:
spark-submit --conf -Dspark.master=local"graph-mining" --class de.hpi.dbda.graph_mining_spark.GraphMiningSpark target/graph_mining_spark-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar truss ../trussMini.txt ../output/ " " 10 4
Launch Parameters:
- 0: mode [string] -- The portion of the program to be exectued. Valid inputs: triangle, truss, maxtruss
- 1: input path [string] -- path to the file containing the graph data, formatted as described above
- 2: output path [string] -- path where the output should be written to
- 3: separator [string] -- the separator used between an edge's nodes, as described above
- 4: [optional depending on mode] (starting) k value [int] -- k value for the truss mode or initial k value for the maxtruss mode
Example Launch:
$flink run --parallelism 10 --class de.hpi.dbda.graph_mining.GraphMiningFlink target/graph-mining-flink-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar truss ../trussMini.txt ../output/ " " 4
The output has one line for each edge that is contained in a truss and looks as follows:
1 2 3 4 5
- 1: Truss ID
- 2: ID of the first vertex
- 3: Degree of the first vertex
- 4: ID of the second vertex
- 5: Degree of the second vertex
The output has one line for each triangle and looks as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Numbers 1-4 represent an edge, as do numbers 5-8, and numbers 9-12. Each of these sets represents and edge of the triangle.
- 1/5/9: ID of the first vertex
- 2/6/10: Degree of the first vertex
- 3/7/11: ID of the second vertex
- 4/8/12: Degree of the second vertex