This repository contains three projects:
- Entrance Task
- FlinkSalesman
- SparkSalesman
Unigram Language Models: Calculates the probabilities that different search queries (i.e., 10) were drawn (stem) from Wikipedia articles
FlinkSalesman and SparkSalesman offer implementations of a distributed genetic algorithm for the traveling salesman problem. The input problem file might be a tsv file from the real-problems directory or from the TSPLib. The latter files have a .tsp extension and are expected to be accompanied by a .opt.tour file in the same directory containing the optimal route. This a benchmark for the outcome of the genetic algorithm.
An implementation of our genetic salesman algorithm in Apache Flink.
Building the project requires Java 7 and Maven.
In the FlinkSalesman directory, execute:
mvn compile assembly:single
The resulting jar can be found under target/flink-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Usage: java -cp flink-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar geneticsalesman.GeneticSalesman [options] <input problem file>
Parallelism used for Spark. Default: 1
How often the algorithm is run. Default: 1
Specifies after how many iterations exchange between the cluster nodes should take place. Default: 50
Number of generations to run. Default: 2000
Total number of individuals. Default: 1000
Specifies the exchange method. Possible Values: SELECTED_RANDOM, NONE, COMPLETE_RANDOM, ROUND_ROBIN. Default: ROUND_ROBIN
the output file to write to. Required.
the host for the Flink execution. Default: Use ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
After each exchange step, the current progress is stored in a tab separated file. For instance, with quickGenerations=1000, this happens for generation 1000, 2000, 3000, ...
The format is:
<generation> <milliseconds so far> <relative fitness compared to the given optimum from tsplib> <best path found so far> => <length of the best path>
Building the project requires Java 7 and Maven.
In the FlinkSalesman directory, execute:
mvn package
The resulting jar can be found under target/spark-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Submit the spark-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar according to the Spark submit documentation. As application arguments use:
Usage: ./bin/spark-submit ... spark-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [options] <input problem file>
How often the algorithm is run. Default: 1
Specifies after how many iterations exchange between the cluster nodes should take place. Default: 50
Number of generations to run. Default: 2000
Total number of individuals. Default: 1000
Specifies whether the tournament shuffle instead of coalesce() is used. Default: false.
the folder to write statistics and illustrating kml files to be viewed in Google Maps. Required.
At the end of /out.txt, after each exchange the current generation, the relative fitness, and the milliseconds it took are stored, averaged over all test runs:
<generation> <milliseconds so far> <relative fitness compared to the given optimum from tsplib>