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Serves the device data in all shapes, historical, rolled up, analytics, mostly from Elastic


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API & worker that serves the device data in all shapes, historical, rolled up, analytics, mostly from Elastic. Also has it's own database that keeps status snapshot of latest data state of devices.

For an overview of the project, see the DIMO technical documentation site.

Run locally:

cp settings.sampe.yaml settings.yaml

Run dependencies:

docker compose up -d You will also need local psql instance running, eg. via brew services.

If you only need to work on the gRPC side, leave the KAFKA_BROKERS and PORT setting empty. The only dependencies in this mode are:

  • psql
  • device-definitions grpc

If you are working on the data download endpoint, copy and paste the following into the terminal (this creates a bucket on your local s3 instance):

aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket test-bucket \
    --region us-east-2 \
    --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=us-east-2 \
    --endpoint-url http://localhost:4566

Check settings and make sure make sense for your setup. You may need to be running docker compose elastic etc from devices-api. go run ./cmd/device-data-api/

Run migrations: go run ./cmd/device-data-api migrate

Microservice dependencies

This project depends on other microservices:

  • devices-api
  • device-definitions-api
  • users-api
  • dex-roles-rights

To run it locally best bet is


One of the variables set in settings.yaml is JWT_KEY_SET_URL. By default this is set to To make use of this, clone the DIMO Dex fork:

git clone [email protected]:DIMO-Network/dex.git
cd dex
make build examples
./bin/dex serve examples/config-dev.yaml

This will start up the Dex identity server on port 5556. Next, start up the example interface by running


You can reach this on port 5555. The "Log in with Example" option is probably the easiest. This will give you an ID token you can provide to the API.

Swagger generation

go install
swag init -g cmd/device-data-api/main.go --parseDependency --parseInternal
# optionally add `--parseDepth 2` if have issues


The /user/device-data/:userDeviceID/export/json/email endpoint users NATS to create a queue of requests so that the endpoint can prompty return before processing the user request. Suggested Stream Name and Subject can be found in settings.sample.yaml. If messages are not acknowledged within 5 minutes, they will be resent (this value is also set in settings and can be increased or decreased as needed)

brew install nats-streaming-server although this does not seem to work locally with our setup as it always returns No Responders error.

gRPC library

To regenerate gRPC code, if you make changes to the .proto files:

protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative \
    --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative \


brew install golangci-lint

golangci-lint run

This should use the settings from .golangci.yml, which you can override.

Database ORM

This is using sqlboiler. The ORM models are code generated. If the db changes, you must update the models.

Make sure you have sqlboiler installed:

go install
go install

To generate the models:

sqlboiler psql --no-tests --wipe

Make sure you're running the docker image (ie. docker compose up)

If you get a command not found error with sqlboiler, make sure your go install is correct. Instructions here


To install goose in GO:

$ go get[email protected]
export GOOSE_DRIVER=postgres

To install goose CLI:

$ go install
export GOOSE_DRIVER=postgres

Add a migrations: $ goose -dir migrations create <migration_name> sql

Migrate DB to latest: $ go run ./cmd/device-data-api migrate

Go Ethereum issues

if get ambiguous reference issue, try:

  • make sure latest go ethereum version: go get
  • go get


Alert like: Consumer group devices-data-consumer lag is too big (4272) on topic topic.device.status/partition.

Solution: just reboot the pods, and give it about 5 minutes.

kc rollout restart -n prod deployment/device-data-api-prod


Serves the device data in all shapes, historical, rolled up, analytics, mostly from Elastic







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