Releases: DURAARK/workbench-ui
Bugfix release
v0.9.2 fix for clicking on 'Show results' without changing variables
Bugfix release
- Fixed display of results for SDA queries in 'Search Buildings'
M36 Prototype
Integrated prototype including
- Difference Detection
- Point cloud compression
M30 Prototype
This release is a major update to the single workflow approach in the previous version. It provides two user guided workflows now, the pre-ingest and the retrieval workflow to better reflect stakeholder needs.
- Introduction of a pre-ingest and a retrieval workflow
- Further user interface design changes (thanks Jenny Bieling)
- Fully functional connection to the DURAARK Service Platform
Holmenkollen UI
This release introduces a session-based user interface (UI) unifying the previous 'archival', 'retrieval' and 'maintenance' workflows into a single workflow experience. This gives the user a clearer understanding on which tools DURAARK provides to work with architectural data in the context of semantic archival and retrieval of (3D) data.
- Unification of workflows
- User interface redesign (thanks Jenny Bieling)
- mock-up only, the connection to the duraark-platform-api will be iteratively be readded in following releases
The name Holmenkollen originates from a great project meeting in Oslo (thanks CATENDA!) where we had the chance to visit the ski-jumping site.
Feature: API endpoint configuration via env variable
The DURAARK platform API endpoint can be set via the environment variable 'DURAARK_API_ENDPOINT'. When starting the WorkbenchUI the endpoint is picked up and set. E.g. the API endpoint variable for our demo server is: DURAARK_API_ENDPOINT=
Bugfix release
The hostname is provided to the WorkbenchUI via the environment variable HOST_HOSTNAME. Based on the host the configuration of the API endpoint can be done then. This is important for deploying the system on different machines.
Ghosty UI
This release shows our current (prototypical) workflow for the year 2 review meeting.
- Files
- Metadata
- Semantic Enrichment
- Geometric Enrichment
- SIP Generator
The styling of the application is grabbed directly from the Ghost project, hence the naming (thanks for the openly licensed style!).