- A simple list app where users can
- Create lists & add items to them
- Edit & delete lists & items
- Toggle cross out items & lists with a single click/tap
- Responsive & mobile friendly design
- Profile info, lists, items, & their crossed-out status are stored in a database so that they can be accessed from any device after the user is authenticated
- Open terminal app
- CD to app directory:
cd [local path]/Splendiffelist
- Install PHP dependencies:
composer install
- Install Node dependencies:
npm install
- Copy .env.example to .env:
cp .env.example .env
- Configure .env
- Generate application key:
php artisan key:generate
- Start the app
php artisan serve
- In a separate terminal tab or window:
npm run dev
- Open http://localhost:8000 in any browser
- Fix vulnerabilities found with NPM audit
- Create List component
- Move custom CSS classes from Dashboard.vue & Item.vue to their own composable file
- Use a const newItemName near const newListName to make the new list & new item logic match
- Reuse UI & logic for List & Item editing with toggling edit mode
- Only get a single item after it's updated rather than all items for the list
- Stop using underscores in web app variable names & continue using them in SQL
- During edit mode, make input fields display actual, editable names rather than just placeholders
- Allow for lists to be shared with other users
- Allow for lists to be publicly viewable & editable (only by crossing out--no renaming, deleting, or adding?)
- Create list templates that can be added to lists when the lists are created or after the fact
- Allow for all items to be un-crossed out
- Allow for all lists to be un-crossed out?
- Let list templates be added to existing lists
- Let users create multiple collections of lists where each collection has its own page that is clicked on like the current dashboard tab
- Update home screen to have local browser storage version of the app so it can be demoed or even used indefinitely without signing up
- Migrate data from local storage to DB option (& an easy to see visual cue for knowing (when logged in) that there's local storage data that can be migrated)
- Make popup for list deletion confirmation look nice
- Make hovering nav bar with list names so users can jump to any list with a single click/tap
- Use masonry layout for lists
- Put crossed out items in thier own section?
- Put crossed out lists in their own, minimized section?
- Make update mode not require clicking an edit button for each item to be edited. Instead, user updates all input fields desired then clicks a "Save all changes button"
- Maybe: Don't delete items immediately. Change text to red (& maybe sort to top of list in a "To be deleted" section)
- For long names with no whitespace, start the text at the same level as the delete & edit buttons
- For long names with or without whitespace, wrap them so they don't go beneath the delete & edit buttons on the 2nd & subsequent lines
- With small screen, make selected nav bar item visible
- More precisely define number of columns for varying screen sizes (especially on the smaller end)
- For long names that wrap without whitespace, use a dash between the wrapped lines
- composer create-project laravel/laravel Splendiffelist
- cd Splendiffelist
- composer require laravel/breeze --dev
- php artisan breeze:install
- Add Node to Path with NVS
- Installing with APT: see MySQL documentation
- Use "ubuntu lunar" option for APT setup. Most recommendations onlin said to use "ubuntu jammy", but that resulted in a dependency on a package that couldn't be downloaded
- Create user with username and password of "laravel" in MySQL terminal
sudo mysql -u root
CREATE USER 'laravue'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'laravue';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON laravue.* TO 'laravue'@'localhost';
- Make sure user is using mysql_native_password instead of auth_socket
SELECT user, host, plugin FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'your_username';
- Update if needed
- Start MySQL server
sudo service mysql start
- Check if server is running
sudo service mysql status
- Software versions at time of app creation
- Linux: Linux Mint 22 Cinnamon with kernel v6.8.0-41-generic
- MySQL: "Ver 8.0.39-0ubuntu0.24.04.2 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))"