##Live action? Demo available via: http://cloudant-offline-todo.mybluemix.net
##Description A simple and quick hacked offline-first ToDo-List application. The app is built using HTML5 and Javascript including the OpenSource "PouchDB" to store JSON data in the browser.
PouchDB is able to replicate/sync data with IBM Cloudant (DBaaS) to create a simple, multi-device, cloud based ToDo-List.
The app is just quickly hacked to demonstrate Cloudant/CouchDB replication, no awareness given to optimized or good coding! It's developed to be displayed on Safari, iPad and iPhone, but no work was done to make it a real responsive Web app.
##Presentation Also some more detailed information is available via a PowerPoint Presentation
##How to run
Clone the repository and change to the "app" directory
$ cd /Cloudant-Offline-ToDo/app/
Change the name from config-example to config
$ mv config-example config
Edit the config-example with your credentials (Press Ctrl+X
to finish, Accept with Y
and Enter
$ sudo nano config
Edit your local hosts file to point local.dev
at localhost
$ sudo nano /etc/hosts
Add local.dev
to the end of the file. (Press Ctrl+X
to finish, Accept with Y
and Enter
Configure CORS support on Cloudant. Change USERNAME
to your account name:
$ curl -i -u USERNAME -X PUT https://USERNAME.cloudant.com/_api/v2/user/config/cors -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"enable_cors":true,"allow_credentials":true,"allow_methods":["GET","PUT","POST","DELETE","OPTIONS"],"origins":["http://local.dev:8000"]}'
Use the server.py
script to run a simple python server on your localhost to test the application locally
$ python server.py
Run the deployment Script to create views and sample data in your Cloudant Account (NOT needed right now, as we currenty don't use design documents (views))
$ ./deploy
Visit http://local.dev:8000
##Deploy on IBM Bluemix Login to IBM Bluemix via the CF Command Line Tool
$ cf login
Change to the app directory and push the inital application via (Change APPN-AME!):
$ cf push APP-NAME -m 64M -b https://github.com/cloudfoundry/staticfile-buildpack.git -s cflinuxfs
To add Git-Integration go to: https://hub.jazz.net/ and either login or create an account
Create a new Project and choose "From an existing Git Project" and choose your Git Project
Use the "Build&Deploy" Button (upper right)
Create a new Phase, make sure the GIT URL is correct, and tick the box "Run job, when GIT Repo changes"
Choose "Jobs" add a new "Deploy" Job and make sure to change the script to only include the app/ directory (otherwise Jazzhub pushes the whole repo!)
cf push "${CF_APP}" -p app/