This project focuses on detecting and segmenting marine debris from underwater sonar images using a U-Net model with a VGG16 backbone. The dataset includes various types of debris, and the model is trained to segment these objects accurately using semantic segmentation techniques.
- Python 3.x
- TensorFlow
- Keras
- OpenCV
- Streamlit
The dataset consists of 1868 sonar images and 1868 corresponding masks. The images are used for training a U-Net model, which segments different types of marine debris. The dataset includes 11 distinct classes of objects, such as:
- Wall
- Can
- Drink-carton
- Tire
- Valve
- Bottle
- Shampoo-bottle
- Propeller
- Hook
- Chain
- Standing-bottle
- Architecture: U-Net with VGG16 backbone (pre-trained on ImageNet).
- Loss Function: Binary Cross-Entropy with Dice coefficient as an evaluation metric.
- Optimizer: Adam (learning rate 0.0001).
- Epochs: 40 epochs with early stopping.
- Evaluation Metrics: Mean Intersection over Union (IoU) and Dice Similarity coefficient.
IoU (Training Set): 0.5351
IoU (Validation Set): 0.5353
Dice Similarity (Test Set): 0.8571