- Chatbot Backend System have been using Spring boot with Langchain4j to communicate with the backend Ollama local AI system docker container.
- In order to enhance answer, application is used Langchain4j Tool(Function Calling) and RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation/
- Because Some models such as EXAONE are not supported Tools.
- Queries should be routed to the appropriate RAG document.
- However, Combining Tools and RAG is hard to develop. so, it is not fully implemented yet. It is under development.(12/18/2024)
- Spring Boot
- Langchain4j
- Vaadin Hilla React (Frontend)
- Lombok
- JUnit
docker-compose build --no-cache
docker build -t demo-chatbot:local . && docker run -p 9090:8080 -e"SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=exaone" -e"APPLICATION_PDF=pdf" demo-chatbot:local
docker build -t ollama-gpu:local -f Dockerfile_ollama . && docker run --gpus=all -p 11435:11434 ollama-gpu:local
docker build -t trunk-pytorch:local -f Dockerfile_pytorch . && docker run --gpus=all trunk-pytorch:local
docker build -t trunk-pytorch:local -f Dockerfile_pytorch . && docker run -e TERM=xterm --tty --gpus=all trunk-pytorch:local
docker build -t redis:local -f Dockerfile_redis . && docker run -p 7379:6379 redis:local
docker build -t llama_cpp:local -f ./Dockerfile_llama_cpp . && docker run --gpus=all llama_cpp:local
docker build -t redis-stack:local -f Dockerfile_redisStack . && docker run -p 8379:6379 redis-stack:local