Pre-releasePre-Release of RIDE 4.4
WARNING: This is a pre-release version of RIDE 4.4: it is possible that functionality may be added, removed or altered; we do not recommend using pre-release versions of RIDE in production environments.
Merge pull request #778 from tiamatica/idioms
Merge pull request #777 from tiamatica/icons
Merge pull request #779 from tiamatica/econnmsg
updated error-code
added ^ as a recognisable char when coloring idioms
added and re-arranged icons in tracer
Merge pull request #776 from Dyalog/updateMenu
Don't install app menu on floating windows
Merge pull request #775 from Dyalog/protocol
Remove implemented items from proposed extensions
Updated protocol.md with recent amendments, and reformatted
SetConfiguration instead of ConfigurationSet
Added new protocol messages to md
Merge pull request #769 from Dyalog/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/nth-check-2.0.1
Merge pull request #771 from Dyalog/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/ssh2-1.4.0
Merge pull request #774 from Dyalog/readregistry
Bump ssh2 from 0.8.9 to 1.4.0
bump timeout when reading registry
Merge pull request #767 from Dyalog/update-packages
Update packages electron remote module (#773)
Update monaco suggestions widget calls
Update packages
Enable ed test that now passes
update readme
bump versions once more
Remove unwanted vi backup file
Use /tmp rather than ../ for tmpdir
Use dyalogci images rather than dyalog for Jenkins building.
Add registry credentials to force Jenkins having the wrong user/pass on a Docker pull.
Update Jenkins build environment to use Docker
Bump nth-check from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1
esc now properly closes menu windows (#768)
quote quad behavior fixed when appending text to session (#765)
Force copyinstallers change
Full, not short version, needed
Create ZFPR zip file
Remove unwanted vim backup files