#game-dev channel
- Install git
- Here's an installion guide for git
- Install github (optional)
- Here's a link to installing the desktop version of github
- Install nodeJs
- This will automatically install npm which is used to run the game
- Linux/Ubuntu/Debian command to install nodeJs is
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
- Here's a guide for the Windows Installation of NodeJs
- Here's a guide for the Mac Installation of NodeJs
- Inside commandline navigate to "eansPhaserBoilerPlate" folder
- This should be achieved by entering
cd eanPhaserBoilerPlate
- This should be achieved by entering
- In command line run
npm install
- Our backend uses nodejs so this will install the resources our projects needs to run independently
- Inside commandline navigate to "eansPhaserBoilerPlate" folder (if you're not already there)
- This should be achieved by entering
cd eanPhaserBoilerPlate
- This should be achieved by entering
- In command line run
npm start
- This script actually starts up our server (which means our game is running)
- Open up a web browser and go to this address
also works because these are representations of the "home" address
- From here you'll be able to play the game!
- camel casing
- applies to coding, files, and folders
- example:
var name = "eanCharacter"
- no capitalizing 1st letters
- When submitting a change ALWAYS commit then pull, before you push!
git add -A
(tracks files and adds them to staging)git commit -m "adding my file msg"
(timestamps your changes and comments to the repository)git pull origin master
(pulls latest changes from repository)git push origin master
(pushes your updated changes to repository for other people to pull)- Sometimes a push or pull may result in a merge conflict, when this happens just make resolve to the conflict by adjusting files to their correct version manually.
- All art asset files are on the google drive file below
- Any assets that are planned to be used in the game go inside the
directory - All graphical assets must be texture packed into a sprite sheet and referenced via json atlas
Adding Game States
- Create new javascript file in javascript directory.
- Declare state name inside of a new js file.
var gameState = {};
- Go to index.html and add it to the script BEFORE stateManager.
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/gameState.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/stateManager.js"></script>
- Inside the stateManager add the state
- To access use game.state.start from any point in the game
- Bump the build number in
- Build number convention is
- Build number convention is
- Bump the build number in
- settings.js
contains default width and height parameters of game
- Ean
- Init Logic creates the game itself, and ensures that all dependencies exist.
- Hong
Ean - Boot Logic Dictates how we start the game and the context in which we start the game.
- Ean
- Loader Logic is decides how and when we manage the including of resources in the game
- Kiron
- Game Start Logic determines how we start the game (a main menu for example) and should ideally only happen once
- Arthur, Jansen, Ean, Eric, Hong
- Game Loop is where movement, physics, game play logic, etc is implemented
- Michael, Jydon
- This logic occurs when the game loop has ended
- Julie, Roman
- FSMs control the transitions, initation, and referencing of various game states.