ExTerm is a terminal Phoenix.LiveView
. By default, ExTerm provides an IEx
terminal usable as a web interface, however, this is customizable and you may
use ExTerm for other CLIs.
Under the hood, ExTerm is a generic interface for converting erlang IO protocol messages into web output and translating web input into responses in the IO protocol.
Add ExTerm to your mix.exs:
def deps do
# ...
{:ex_term, "~> 0.2"}
# ...
You must supply a Phoenix.PubSub
server that is the communication channel
to send important updates to the liveview. It's recommended to use the
PubSub server associated with your web server.
import ExTerm.Router
scope "/live_term" do
pipe_through :browser
live_term "/", pubsub_server: MyAppWeb.PubSub
Documentation is available on hexdocs.pm: https://hexdocs.pm/ex_term
- provenance tracking
- multiplayer mode