A Python library of SQL utils that are commomly used in the EPFL ENAC IT infrastructure:
: a class to build SQL queries with multiple related models and to facilitate results paging, sort and filters from a REST entry point.
To include the SQL library in your project:
poetry add git+https://github.com/EPFL-ENAC/enacit4r-sql#someref
Note: someref
should be replaced by the commit hash, tag or branch name you want to use.
A filter specifies the conditions that the data must meet to be included in the result set. The filter is a dictionary that can contain multiple conditions. The criteria are combined with logical operators ($and
, $or
'$and': [
'$or': [
{'types': {'$contains': ['civil-engineer']}},
{'types': {'$contains': ['architect']}}
'$or': [
{'name': {'$ilike': 'archi'}},
{'address': {'$ilike': 'archi'}}
Each criteria is a dictionary with a key that represents the field to filter and a value that represents the condition. The condition is a dictionary with a key that represents the operator and a value that represents the value to compare.
: equal
{'name': {'$eq': 'John'}}
: not equal
{'name': {'$ne': 'John'}}
: less than
{'age': {'$lt': 18}}
: less than or equal
{'age': {'$lte': 18}}
: greater than
{'age': {'$gt': 18}}
: greater than or equal
{'age': {'$gte': 18}}
: case-insensitive like
{'name': {'$ilike': 'john'}}
: like
{'name': {'$like': 'john'}}
: array contains another array
{'types': {'$contains': ['civil-engineer', 'architect']}}
: in
{'type': {'$in': ['civil-engineer', 'architect']}}
# can be simplified to
{'type': ['civil-engineer', 'architect']}
: not in
{'types': {'$nin': ['civil-engineer', 'architect']}}
: check is null or not
{'name': {'$exists': True}}
Note: The operators can be extended when models are joined (1-to-many relationship).
The sort specification is a list which first item is the field to sort and the second is the direction of the sort (ASC
['name', 'ASC']
- The default direction is
. - The sort specification by multiple fields is not supported (yet).
The range specification is a list with two items: the start and the end positions (0-based).
For instance to get the first 10 results (offset 0, limit 10), the range would be:
[0, 9]
Note: WIP, query parameters to be modelized
from enacit4r_sql.utils.query import QueryBuilder
# Example of a query on Study model with a filter and a join on Builing model
query_builder = QueryBuilder(model=Study,
filter = { "$building": { "$and": [ { "altitude": { "$gte": 1000 } }, { "climate_zone": ["Csa"] } ]}},
sort = ["name", "ASC"],
range = [0, 9],
joinModels = { "$building": Building })
# TODO use query_builder to build a query