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ASTRA 82001 Calculation tool

La plublication de la documentation OFROU 82001 en 2024 a permis de définir un facteur unique d'actualisation des charges de trafic à utiliser pour l'évaluation structurelle des ponts existants. Lors d'un examen plus détaillé, et dans le but d'éviter des renforcements inutiles des ponts, il est possible d'utiliser des valeurs spécifiques pour les coefficients d'actualisation.

Cet outil propose un accès simplifié et intuitif à ces coefficients d'actualisation. ->


  • OFROU (Funder & technical need) : Dimitrios Papastergiou
  • EPFL - RESSLAB (Technical specifications) : Alain Nussbaumer, Paola Miglietta
  • EPFL - ENAC-IT4R (Webtool implementation) : Pierre Guilbert, Charlie Weil
  • EPFL - Mediacom (Design contributions) : Mathias Udriot

Tech stack


You can use Make with the following command:

    install: Install node dependencies
    install-build: Install node dependencies with npm ci
    build: Build the project (run prebuild before)
    dev: Run the project
    convert: Convert the data to json format
    docker-build: Build docker image locally
    docker-run: Run docker image locally on port 8080

other commands on local for development:

  • npm run lint
    • run eslint on the project
  • npm run format
    • run prettier on the project


Development environemnt : Production environment:

Data update

Data updates will be handled through pull requests updating data.csv

Internationalization update

Internationalization will be handled through pull requests updating internationalization.csv

Report bugs and suggestions

Comments may be shared with developers through GitHub issues


Under active development. Report bugs here.

Data interpolation rules

    'l < 9': not possible
    '9 <=l<= 12': use value for 12
    '12 < l <= 18': use value for 18
    'l > 18': Not possible
    '9 <= l <= 12': use value for 9
    'l< 10.8': not possible
    'l>= 10.8': same as 10.8 (because of different beam analysis explicitly indicated)
    'l < 9': not possible
    'l == 9': use value for 9
    '9 < l <= 18': use value for 18
    'l > 18': not possible
      'l< 1.22': not possible
      interpolate_in_between_values: ''
      'l> 6.78': not possible
      'l< 3': not possible
      interpolate_in_between_values: ''
      'l> 12': not possible

type_to_span: >
  Interpolate between given value. Values outside of the given values not allowed for the type of bridge

    'M-  < 50% < M_fully fixed': use Semi
    '50% M_< 100% M_fully fixed': use highest alpha between the two'

Data graph

title: Type to Subtype
graph TD
        A[Box] --> S1{Stand}
        B[Twin] --> S1{Stand}
        B[Twin] --> S2{Conc}
        C[Multi] --> S1{Stand}
        D[Slab] --> S3{Short}
        D[Slab] --> S4{Long}
        E[DalleRoulem] --> S5{PorteAFaux}
        E[DalleRoulem] --> S6{DalleEntrePoutres}

title: Type to Width

graph TD
        A[Box] --> S1{width18}
        A[Box] --> S2{width12}
        B[Twin] --> S3{wid9}
        C[Multi] --> S4{Wid108}
        D[Slab] --> S3{Wid9}
        D[Slab] --> S1{Wid18}
        E[DalleRoulem-PorteAFaux] --> S6{Wid1_22', 'Wid2_33', 'Wid3_44', 'Wid4_56', 'Wid5_67', 'Wid6_78'}
        F[DalleRoulem-DalleEntrePoutres] --> S7{ 'Wid3',    'Wid7_5', 'Wid12}
title: Type to Span

graph TD
    %% Span
    %% Box -> 20,   30,   40,   50,   60,   70, 80
    %% Twin -> 20,   30,   40,   50,   60,   70, 80
    %% Multi -> 20,   30
    %% Slab -> 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30
    %% DalleRoulem --> 1.22, 2.33, 3.44,  4.56, 5.67, 6.78, 3,  7.5,   12

    A[Box] --> S1{'20,   30,   40,   50,   60,   70, 80'}
    B[Twin] --> S1{'20,   30,   40,   50,   60,   70, 80'}
    C[Multi] --> S2{'20,   30'}
    D[Slab] --> S3{'4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30'}
title: Type to Support

graph TD
    %% Type to Support
    %% Box [ 'Simp' ]
    %% Twin [ 'Simp' ]
    %% Multi [ 'Simp' ]
    %% Slab [ 'Fixed', 'Semi' ]
    %% DalleRoulem [ 'SimpForM', 'SimpForV', 'SimpForMn', 'SimpForMp' ]

    A[Box] --> S1{Simp}
    B[Twin] --> S1{Simp}
    C[Multi] --> S1{Simp}
    D[Slab] --> S4{Fixed, Semi}
    E[DalleRoulem] --> S5{SimpForM, SimpForV, SimpForMn, SimpForMp}
title: Type to Traffic

graph TD
    %% Traffic
    %% Box -> [ 'Uni2L', 'Bi2L', 'Bi4L' ]
    %% Twin -> [ 'Uni2L', 'Bi2L' ]
    %% Multi -> [ 'Uni2L', 'Bi2L' ]
    %% Slab -> [ 'Uni2L', 'Bi2L', 'Bi4L' ]
    %% DalleRoulem --> [ 'Uni2L', 'Bi2L' ]

    A[Box] --> S1{UNI2L, BI2L, BI4L}
    B[Twin] --> S2{'Uni2L', 'Bi2L'}
    C[Multi] --> S2{'Uni2L', 'Bi2L'}
    D[Slab] --> S1{'Uni2L', 'Bi2L', 'Bi4L'}
    E[DalleRoulem] --> S2{'Uni2L', 'Bi2L'}
title: Type to AE

graph TD
    %% AE
    %% Box [ 'V', 'Mp', 'Mn' ]
    %% Twin [ 'V', 'Mp', 'Mn' ]
    %% Multi [ 'V', 'Mp', 'Mn' ]
    %% Slab [ 'V', 'Mp', 'Mn', 'MxMid', 'MxEdg' ]
    %% DalleRoulem [ 'M', 'V', 'Mn', 'Mp' ]

    A[Box] --> S1{'V', 'Mp', 'Mn'}
    B[Twin] --> S1{'V', 'Mp', 'Mn'}
    C[Multi] --> S1{'V', 'Mp', 'Mn'}
    D[Slab] --> S2{'V', 'Mp', 'Mn', 'MxMid', 'MxEdg'}
    E[DalleRoulem] --> S3{'M', 'V', 'Mn', 'Mp'}
title: Type to Trans
graph TD

    %% Trans
    %% Box [ 'p0' ]
    %% Twin [ 'p0' ]
    %% Multi [ 'P1', 'P2', 'P3' ]
    %% Slab [ 'p1', 'p2', 'p3' ]
    %% DalleRoulem [ 'AR0', 'AR2', 'BR1', 'PENC', 'SENC', 'SMPL' ]
    A[Box] --> S1{'p0'}
    B[Twin] --> S1{'p0'}
    C[Multi] --> S3{'P1', 'P2', 'P3'}
    D[Slab] --> S4{'p1', 'p2', 'p3'}
    E[DalleRoulem-PorteAFaux] --> S6{'AR0', 'AR2', 'BR1'}
    F[DalleRoulem-DalleEntrePoutres] --> S7{'PENC', 'SENC', 'SMPL'}

    %% Trans
    %% Box [ 'p0' ]
    %% Twin [ 'p0' ]
    %% Multi [ 'P1', 'P2', 'P3' ]
    %% Slab [ 'p1', 'p2', 'p3' ]
    %% DalleRoulem [ 'AR0', 'AR2', 'BR1', 'PENC', 'SENC', 'SMPL' ]

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classDef Databases stroke:#000,stroke-width:1px,fill:#dfdffc,font-size:20px
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