This repository contains all the codes and softwares required to reproduce the work presented in the paper entitled "Rational strain design with minimal phenotype perturbation". The work is a property of the Laboratory for Computational Systems Biotechnology at the EPFL in Lausanne. The repository is a stand alone that uses a docker based installation to ensure that no other softwares/dependencies need to be installed. Note that it relies on dev versions of other softwares developed by the LCSB, namely
- SKiMPy -- (Weilandt, Daniel R., et al. "Symbolic Kinetic Models in Python (SKiMpy): Intuitive modeling of large-scale biological kinetic models." bioRxiv (2022).) --
- pyTFA -- (Salvy, Pierre, et al. "pyTFA and matTFA: a Python package and a Matlab toolbox for Thermodynamics-based Flux Analysis." Bioinformatics 35.1 (2019): 167-169.) --
- To ensure compatibility across different operating systems, the codes are run inside a docker environment.
- You will need to install Docker to build and run the codes in a self-contained environment.
- The container runs with python version 3.6
- You can either use the ready made Docker image or build the image yourself
- The exact versions of the various dependencies and packages can be found in the requirements.txt file and the Dockerfile.
- For the MILP solver, we have used IBM CPLEX Studio 12.8.
- We have tested the codes within the docker environment on 5 different computers, two with Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, two operating Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, and a MacOS Ventura 13.5.2 (m2 chip)
- For the MacOS Ventura, we used the prebuilt image. For all the others, we built the image using the Dockerfile
- Clone the repository on your local machine by going to the desired folder and typing '''git clone'''
- Download and install docker
- Download an appropriate solver such as CPLEX Studio 12.8 --> Copy the contents of the solver to NOMAD/docker/solvers or nomad/docker/solvers --> Further instructions are in the solver folder
- '''cd /nomad/docker'''
- '''build.bat''' OR '''./build'''
- Common issues: -- If you are building the dockerfile on windows, make sure all the files in the utils directory have unix EOL (end of line) -- Makes sure that the root user is added to the Dockergroup
- It takes around 15 minutes to build the docker on the above mentioned machines.
You can also use the prebuilt image by following the instructions below:
- pull the image using the follwing command: ''' docker pull bharathn1990/nomad_docker:final '''
- Change the run file, either run.bat in Windows or run in Unix by replacing "nomad_docker" with "bharathn1990/nomad_docker:final"
- Once you have built the image or prepped the ready made one, create a container using code(run.bat) or code(./run)
- Once you are in the container, go to the folder with all the scripts
--> cd ../../../NOMAD/study-1-K_trpD9923/scripts for the first study
--> cd ../../../NOMAD/study-2-eK_trpD9923/scripts for the second study
--> RUN!!!
Run times for each of the scripts is provided in the readme file in the scripts folder.
- The parameters that characterize the 10 kinetic models for the first study, K_trpD9923, are provided in ./study-1-K_trpD9923/data/kinetic_params_top_10_models.hdf5
- The final set of 41 unique designs from K_trpD9923 is in the csv file ./study-1-K_trpD9923/data/all_unique_designs.csv
- The parameters for the 13 enhanced kinetic models for the second study, eK_trpD9923, are provided in ./study-2-K_trpD9923/data/enhanced_kinetic_models.hdf5
- The final set of 34 unique designs from eK_trpD9923 is in the csv file ./study-2-K_trpD9923/output/data/all_unique_designs_eK_trpD9923.csv
- The final set of 13 unique designs from eK_trpD9923_d2 is in the csv file ./study-2-K_trpD9923/output/data/all_unique_designs_eK_trpD9923_d2.csv
- The source data for all the figures in the paper is provided in the root directory in source_data.xlsx