Contains the arduino code for the different nodes in the canbus
contains some of my notes and also CAN Bus Messages.xlsx
which describes the structure of the CAN Bus (namely the nodes and messages).
contains the arduino sketches for the nodes:
- BMS (Battery Management System) (tested, working)
- ECU (Engine Control Unit) (done, but not fully tested) -- not tested with all 4 motors connected
- Wheel Nodes (roughly done) -- Dual motor controller has been tested with 2 motor controllers, but single hasn't been developed. Should just be a case of copying the code over, changing the pins assigned, and disabling the second motor controller functionality.
- SAS (Steering Angle Sensor) (done)
- TPS (Throttle (and Brake) Position Sensor) (done, but brakes untested)
- Front and Rear Lights (rear light done, front to be done)
IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) (will probably not be implemented)
Refer to
Notes\CAN Bus Messages.xlsx
for more information about each node.
Not all the nodes have been developed yet though
The code for the dashboard node can be found at the evam-dashboard repo