SharpVectors - SVG# Reloaded: Version 1.4.0
Design-time update to SvgImage and SvgImageConverter.
Adding support for href in addition to the xlink:href (as in SVG 2)
Improvements in the WPF runtime library
ZoomPanControl is updated to the latest version
SvgImage renamed to SvgImageNameScope (not SvgImageExtension in converter library)
GDI+ Rendering: Resumed the developments of this renderer
Code Refactoring, improvements and bug fixes
Improvements in the SvgPictureBox control
WPF Rendering: Initial support for SVG fonts
New Points and Path Parsers (based on Batik path parsing)
Introduced new points and paths parser for better error handling
Removed the fallback for the WPF PathGeometry parser
Introduced WpfDrawingDocument to manage drawing information
This will simply the search for ID and provide hit-testing
This preserves the format of the SVG ID, x:Name must comply to variable naming
Introduced EmbeddedImageSerializerVisitor to serialize embedded images to file, where required
Improved color syntax support
Support for all color syntaxes: rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla
Fixed the reported issues #99 , #112
Issue #111 : Trim for quotes to ResolveUri methods (fixed by @mmatriccino )
Several bug fixes and code improvements
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