This GitHub Action analyses test result files and publishes the results on GitHub. It supports JSON (Dart, Mocha), TRX (MSTest, VS) and XML (JUnit, NUnit, XUnit) file formats, and runs on Linux, macOS and Windows.
You can use this action with runners (e.g.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
or self-hosted runners that support Docker:
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@v2
if: always()
files: |
See the notes on running this action with absolute paths if you cannot use relative test result file paths.
Use this for (e.g.
runs-on: macos-latest
) runners (no Docker needed):
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/macos@v2
if: always()
files: …
… and (e.g.
runs-on: windows-latest
) runners (no Docker needed):
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/windows@v2
if: always()
files: …
For Windows without PowerShell installed, there is the Bash shell variant:
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/windows/bash@v2
if: always()
files: …
For self-hosted Linux GitHub Actions runners without Docker installed, please use:
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/linux@v2
if: always()
files: …
See the notes on running this action as a non-Docker action.
If you see the "Resource not accessible by integration"
error, you have to grant additional permissions, or
setup the support for pull requests from fork repositories and branches created by Dependabot.
The if: always()
clause guarantees that this action always runs, even if earlier steps (e.g., the test step) in your workflow fail.
When run multiple times in one workflow, the option check_name
has to be set to a unique value for each instance.
Otherwise, the multiple runs overwrite each other's results.
Note: By default, this action does not fail if tests failed. This can be configured via action_fail
The action that executed the tests should fail on test failure. The published results however indicate failure if tests fail or errors occur,
which can be configured via fail_on
Minimal workflow job permissions required by this action in public GitHub repositories are:
checks: write
pull-requests: write
The following permissions are required in private GitHub repos:
contents: read
issues: read
checks: write
pull-requests: write
With comment_mode: off
, the pull-requests: write
permission is not needed.
Supported test result files can be generated by many test environments. Here is a small overview, by far not complete. Check your favorite development and test environment for its JSON, TRX file or JUnit, NUnit, XUnit XML file support.
Test Environment | Language | JUnit XML |
NUnit XML |
XUnit XML |
TRX file |
JSON file |
Dart | Dart, Flutter | ✅ | ||||
Jest | JavaScript | ✅ | ||||
Maven | Java, Scala, Kotlin | ✅ | ||||
Mocha | JavaScript | ✅ | not xunit | ✅ | ||
MStest / dotnet | .Net | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | |
pytest | Python | ✅ | ||||
sbt | Scala | ✅ | ||||
Your favorite environment |
Your favorite language |
probably ✅ |
These changes have to be considered when moving from version 1 to version 2:
Unless check_name
is set in your config, the check name used to publish test results changes from "Unit Test Results"
to "Test Results"
Impact: The check with the old name will not be updated once moved to version 2.
Workaround to get version 1 behaviour:
Add check_name: "Unit Test Results"
to your config.
Unless comment_title
or check_name
are set in your config, the title used to comment on open pull requests changes from "Unit Test Results"
to "Test Results"
Impact: Existing comments with the old title will not be updated once moved to version 2, but a new comment is created.
Workaround to get version 1 behaviour:
See workaround for check_name
The action always updates an earlier pull request comment, which is the exact behaviour of mode update last
The configuration options create new
and update last
are therefore removed.
Impact: An existing pull request comment is always updated.
Workaround to get version 1 behaviour: Not supported.
The action always updates an earlier pull request comment, so hiding comments is not required anymore.
Option comment_on_pr
has been removed.
Workaround to get version 1 behaviour:
Set comment_mode
to always
(the default) or off
Test results are published on GitHub at various (configurable) places:
- as a comment in related pull requests
- as a check in the checks section of a commit and related pull requests
- as annotations in the checks section and changed files section of a commit and related pull requests
- as a job summary of the GitHub Actions workflow
- as a check summary in the GitHub Actions section of the commit
A comment is posted on pull requests related to the commit.
In presence of failures or errors, the comment links to the respective check summary with failure details.
Subsequent runs of the action will update this comment. You can access earlier results in the comment edit history:
The result distinguishes between tests and runs. In some situations, tests run multiple times, e.g. in different environments. Displaying the number of runs allows spotting unexpected changes in the number of runs as well.
When tests run only a single time, no run information is displayed. Results are then shown differently then:
The change statistics (e.g. 5 tests ±0) might sometimes hide test removal. Those are highlighted in pull request comments to easily spot unintended test removal:
Note: This requires check_run_annotations
to be set to all tests, skipped tests
Comments can be disabled with comment_mode: off
The checks section of a commit and related pull requests list a short summary (here 1 fail, 1 skipped, …
and a link to the check summary in the GitHub Actions section (here Details
Commit checks:
Pull request checks:
Check runs can be disabled with check_run: false
Each failing test produces an annotation with failure details in the checks section of a commit:
and the changed files section of related pull requests:
Note: Annotations for test files are only supported when test file paths in test result files are relative to the repository root.
Use option test_file_prefix
to add a prefix to, or remove a prefix from these file paths. See Configuration section for details.
Note: Only the first failure of a test is shown. If you want to see all failures, set report_individual_runs: "true"
Check run annotations can be disabled with ignore_runs: true
The results are added to the job summary page of the workflow that runs this action:
In presence of failures or errors, the job summary links to the respective check summary with failure details.
Note: Job summary requires GitHub Actions runner v2.288.0 or above.
Job summaries can be disabled with job_summary: false
Test results are published in the GitHub Actions check summary of the respective commit:
Check runs can be disabled with check_run: false
The symbols have the following meaning:
Symbol | Meaning |
A successful test or run | |
A skipped test or run | |
A failed test or run | |
An erroneous test or run | |
The duration of all tests or runs |
Note: For simplicity, "disabled" tests count towards "skipped" tests.
Files can be selected via the files
option. It supports glob wildcards
like *
, **
, ?
, and []
character ranges. The **
wildcard matches all files and directories recursively: ./
, ./*/
, ./*/*/
, etc.
You can provide multiple file patterns, one pattern per line. Patterns starting with !
exclude the matching files.
There have to be at least one pattern starting without a !
files: |
The list of most notable options:
Option | Default Value | Description |
files |
no default | File patterns of test result files. Relative paths are known to work best, while the non-Docker action also works with absolute paths. Supports * , ** , ? , and [] character ranges. Use multiline string for multiple patterns. Patterns starting with ! exclude the matching files. There have to be at least one pattern starting without a ! . |
check_name |
"Test Results" |
An alternative name for the check result. Required to be unique for each instance in one workflow. |
comment_title |
same as check_name |
An alternative name for the pull request comment. |
comment_mode |
always |
The action posts comments to pull requests that are associated with the commit. Set to:always - always commentchanges - comment when changes w.r.t. the target branch existchanges in failures - when changes in the number of failures and errors existchanges in errors - when changes in the number of (only) errors existfailures - when failures or errors existerrors - when (only) errors existoff - to not create pull request comments. |
large_files |
false unlessignore_runs is true |
Support for large files is enabled when set to true . Defaults to false , unless ignore_runs is true . |
ignore_runs |
false |
Does not collect test run information from the test result files, which is useful for very large files. This disables any check run annotations. |
Options related to Git and GitHub
Option | Default Value | Description |
commit |
${{env.GITHUB_SHA}} |
An alternative commit SHA to which test results are published. The push and pull_request events are handled, but for other workflow events GITHUB_SHA may refer to different kinds of commits. See GitHub Workflow documentation for details. |
github_token |
${{github.token}} |
An alternative GitHub token, other than the default provided by GitHub Actions runner. |
github_token_actor |
github-actions |
The name of the GitHub app that owns the GitHub API Access Token (see github_token). Used to identify pull request comments created by this action during earlier runs. Has to be set when github_token is set to a GitHub app installation token (other than GitHub actions). Otherwise, existing comments will not be updated, but new comments created. Note: this does not change the bot name of the pull request comments. |
github_retries |
10 |
Requests to the GitHub API are retried this number of times. The value must be a positive integer or zero. |
seconds_between_github_reads |
0.25 |
Sets the number of seconds the action waits between concurrent read requests to the GitHub API. |
seconds_between_github_writes |
2.0 |
Sets the number of seconds the action waits between concurrent write requests to the GitHub API. |
secondary_rate_limit_wait_seconds |
60.0 |
Sets the number of seconds to wait before retrying secondary rate limit errors. If not set, the default defined in the PyGithub library is used (currently 60 seconds). |
pull_request_build |
"merge" |
As part of pull requests, GitHub builds a merge commit, which combines the commit and the target branch. If tests ran on the actual pushed commit, then set this to "commit" . |
event_file |
An alternative event file to use. Useful to replace a workflow_run event file with the actual source event file. |
event_name |
An alternative event name to use. Useful to replace a workflow_run event name with the actual source event name: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.event }} . |
search_pull_requests |
false |
Prior to v2.6.0, the action used the /search/issues REST API to find pull requests related to a commit. If you need to restore that behaviour, set this to "true". Defaults to false . |
Options related to reporting test results
Option | Default Value | Description |
time_unit |
seconds |
Time values in the test result files have this unit. Supports seconds and milliseconds . |
test_file_prefix |
none |
Paths in the test result files should be relative to the git repository for annotations to work best. This prefix is added to (if starting with "+"), or remove from (if starting with "-") test file paths. Examples: "+src/" or "-/opt/actions-runner". |
check_run |
true |
Set to true , the results are published as a check run, but it may not be associated with the workflow that ran this action. |
job_summary |
true |
Set to true , the results are published as part of the job summary page of the workflow run. |
compare_to_earlier_commit |
true |
Test results are compared to results of earlier commits to show changes:false - disable comparison, true - compare across commits.' |
test_changes_limit |
10 |
Limits the number of removed or skipped tests reported on pull request comments. This report can be disabled with a value of 0 . |
report_individual_runs |
false |
Individual runs of the same test may see different failures. Reports all individual failures when set true , and the first failure only otherwise. |
report_suite_logs |
none |
In addition to reporting regular test logs, also report test suite logs. These are logs provided on suite level, not individual test level. Set to info for normal output, error for error output, any for both, or none for no suite logs at all. Defaults to none . |
deduplicate_classes_by_file_name |
false |
De-duplicates classes with same name by their file name when set true , combines test results for those classes otherwise. |
check_run_annotations |
all tests, skipped tests |
Adds additional information to the check run. This is a comma-separated list of any of the following values:all tests - list all found tests,skipped tests - list all skipped testsSet to none to add no extra annotations at all. |
check_run_annotations_branch |
event.repository.default_branch or "main, master" |
Adds check run annotations only on given branches. If not given, this defaults to the default branch of your repository, e.g. main or master . Comma separated list of branch names allowed, asterisk "*" matches all branches. Example: main, master, branch_one . |
json_file |
no file | Results are written to this JSON file. |
json_thousands_separator |
" " |
Formatted numbers in JSON use this character to separate groups of thousands. Common values are "," or ".". Defaults to punctuation space (\u2008). |
json_suite_details |
false |
Write out all suite details to the JSON file. Setting this to true can greatly increase the size of the output. Defaults to false . |
json_test_case_results |
false |
Write out all individual test case results to the JSON file. Setting this to true can greatly increase the size of the output. Defaults to false . |
fail_on |
"test failures" |
Configures the state of the created test result check run. With "test failures" it fails if any test fails or test errors occur. It never fails when set to "nothing" , and fails only on errors when set to "errors" . |
action_fail |
false |
When set true , the action itself fails when tests have failed (see fail_on ). |
action_fail_on_inconclusive |
false |
When set true , the action itself fails when tests are inconclusive (no test results). |
Pull request comments highlight removal of tests or tests that the pull request moves into skip state.
Those removed or skipped tests are added as a list, which is limited in length by test_changes_limit
which defaults to 10
. Reporting these tests can be disabled entirely by setting this limit to 0
This feature requires check_run_annotations
to contain all tests
in order to detect test addition
and removal, and skipped tests
to detect new skipped and un-skipped tests, as well as
to contain your default branch.
The gathered test information are accessible as JSON via GitHub Actions steps outputs string or JSON file.
Access JSON via step outputs
The json
output of the action can be accessed through the expression steps.<id>.outputs.json
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@v2
id: test-results
if: always()
files: "test-results/**/*.xml"
- name: Conclusion
run: echo "Conclusion is ${{ fromJSON( steps.test-results.outputs.json ).conclusion }}"
Here is an example JSON:
"title": "4 parse errors, 4 errors, 23 fail, 18 skipped, 227 pass in 39m 12s",
"summary": " 24 files ±0 4 errors 21 suites ±0 39m 12s [:stopwatch:]( \"duration of all tests\") ±0s\n272 tests ±0 227 [:white_check_mark:]( \"passed tests\") ±0 18 [:zzz:]( \"skipped / disabled tests\") ±0 23 [:x:]( \"failed tests\") ±0 4 [:fire:]( \"test errors\") ±0 \n437 runs ±0 354 [:white_check_mark:]( \"passed tests\") ±0 53 [:zzz:]( \"skipped / disabled tests\") ±0 25 [:x:]( \"failed tests\") ±0 5 [:fire:]( \"test errors\") ±0 \n\nResults for commit 11c02e56. ± Comparison against earlier commit d8ce4b6c.\n",
"conclusion": "success",
"stats": {
"files": 24,
"errors": 4,
"suites": 21,
"duration": 2352,
"tests": 272,
"tests_succ": 227,
"tests_skip": 18,
"tests_fail": 23,
"tests_error": 4,
"runs": 437,
"runs_succ": 354,
"runs_skip": 53,
"runs_fail": 25,
"runs_error": 5,
"commit": "11c02e561e0eb51ee90f1c744c0ca7f306f1f5f9"
"stats_with_delta": {
"files": {
"number": 24,
"delta": 0
"commit": "11c02e561e0eb51ee90f1c744c0ca7f306f1f5f9",
"reference_type": "earlier",
"reference_commit": "d8ce4b6c62ebfafe1890c55bf7ea30058ebf77f2"
"check_url": "",
"formatted": {
"stats": {
"duration": "2 352",
"stats_with_delta": {
"duration": {
"number": "2 352",
"delta": "+12"
"annotations": 31
The formatted
key provides a copy of stats
and stats_with_delta
, where numbers are formatted to strings.
For example, "duration": 2352
is formatted as "duration": "2 352"
. The thousands separator can be configured
via json_thousands_separator
. Formatted numbers are especially useful when those values are used where formatting
is not easily available, e.g. when creating a badge from test results.
Access JSON via file
The optional json_file
allows to configure a file where extended JSON information are to be written.
Compared to "Access JSON via step outputs"
above, errors
and annotations
contain more information
than just the number of errors and annotations, respectively.
Additionally, json_test_case_results
can be enabled to add the cases
field to the JSON file, which provides
all test results of all tests. Enabling this may greatly increase the output size of the JSON file.
"stats": {
"errors": [
"file": "test-files/empty.xml",
"message": "File is empty.",
"line": null,
"column": null
"annotations": [
"path": "test/",
"start_line": 819,
"end_line": 819,
"annotation_level": "warning",
"message": "test-files/",
"title": "1 out of 3 runs failed: test_events (test.Tests)",
"raw_details": "self = <test.Tests testMethod=test_events>\n\n def test_events(self):\n > self.do_test_events(3)\n\n\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\n in do_test_events\n self.do_test_rsh(command, 143, events=events)\n in do_test_rsh\n self.assertEqual(expected_result, res)\n E AssertionError: 143 != 0\n "
"cases": [
"class_name": "test.test_spark_keras.SparkKerasTests",
"test_name": "test_batch_generator_fn",
"states": {
"success": [
"result_file": "test-files/junit-xml/pytest/junit.spark.integration.1.xml",
"test_file": "test/",
"line": 454,
"class_name": "test.test_spark_keras.SparkKerasTests",
"test_name": "test_batch_generator_fn",
"result": "success",
"time": 0.006
"result_file": "test-files/junit-xml/pytest/junit.spark.integration.2.xml",
"test_file": "test/",
"line": 454,
"class_name": "test.test_spark_keras.SparkKerasTests",
"test_name": "test_batch_generator_fn",
"result": "success",
"time": 0.006
See Create a badge from test results for an example on how to create a badge from this JSON.
In a scenario where your tests run multiple times in different environments (e.g. a strategy matrix), the action should run only once over all test results. For this, put the action into a separate job that depends on all your test environments. Those need to upload the test results as artifacts, which are then all downloaded by your publish job.
Example workflow YAML
name: CI
on: [push]
permissions: {}
name: Build and Test (Python ${{ matrix.python-version }})
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
python-version: [3.6, 3.7, 3.8]
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: PyTest
run: python -m pytest test --junit-xml pytest.xml
- name: Upload Test Results
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: Test Results (Python ${{ matrix.python-version }})
path: pytest.xml
name: "Publish Tests Results"
needs: build-and-test
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
checks: write
# only needed unless run with comment_mode: off
pull-requests: write
# only needed for private repository
contents: read
# only needed for private repository
issues: read
if: always()
- name: Download Artifacts
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
path: artifacts
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@v2
files: "artifacts/**/*.xml"
Please consider to support fork repositories and dependabot branches together with your matrix strategy.
Getting test results of pull requests created by contributors from fork repositories or by
requires some additional setup. Without this, the action will fail with the
"Resource not accessible by integration"
error for those situations.
In this setup, your CI workflow does not need to publish test results anymore as they are always published from a separate workflow.
- Your CI workflow has to upload the GitHub event file and test result files.
- Set up an additional workflow on
events, which starts on completion of the CI workflow, downloads the event file and the test result files, and runs this action on them. This workflow publishes the test results for pull requests from fork repositories and dependabot, as well as all "ordinary" runs of your CI workflow.
Step-by-step instructions
- Add the following job to your CI workflow to upload the event file as an artifact:
name: "Event File"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Upload
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: Event File
path: ${{ github.event_path }}
- Add the following action step to your CI workflow to upload test results as artifacts.
Adjust the value of
to fit your setup:
- name: Upload Test Results
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: Test Results
path: |
- If you run tests in a strategy matrix, make the artifact name unique for each job, e.g.:
name: Test Results (${{ matrix.python-version }})
path: …
Add the following workflow that publishes test results. It downloads and extracts all artifacts into
will beUpload Test Results
when setup as above, orUpload Test Results (…)
when run in a strategy matrix.It then runs the action on files matching
. Change thefiles
pattern with the path to your test artifacts if it does not work for you. The publish action uses the event file of the CI workflow.Also adjust the value of
) to fit your setup:
name: Test Results
workflows: ["CI"]
- completed
permissions: {}
name: Test Results
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: github.event.workflow_run.conclusion != 'skipped'
checks: write
# needed unless run with comment_mode: off
pull-requests: write
# only needed for private repository
contents: read
# only needed for private repository
issues: read
# required by download step to access artifacts API
actions: read
- name: Download and Extract Artifacts
uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@e7466d1a7587ed14867642c2ca74b5bcc1e19a2d
run_id: ${{ }}
path: artifacts
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@v2
commit: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_sha }}
event_file: artifacts/Event File/event.json
event_name: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.event }}
files: "artifacts/**/*.xml"
Note: Running this action on pull_request_target
events is dangerous if combined with code checkout and code execution.
This event is therefore not use here intentionally!
This action comments on a pull request each time it is executed via any event type. When run for more than one event type, runs will overwrite earlier pull request comments.
Note that pull_request
events may produce different test results than any other event type.
The pull_request
event runs the workflow on a merge commit, i.e. the commit merged into the target branch.
All other event types run on the commit itself.
If you want to distinguish between test results from pull_request
and push
, or want to distinguish the original test results
of the push
to master from subsequent schedule
events, you may want to add the following to your workflow.
There are two possible ways to avoid the publish action to overwrite results from other event types:
Add the event name to check_name
to avoid different event types overwriting each other's results:
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@v2
if: always()
check_name: "Test Results (${{ github.event.workflow_run.event || github.event_name }})"
files: "test-results/**/*.xml"
Disabling the pull request comment mode ("off"
) for events other than pull_request
avoids that any other event type overwrites pull request comments:
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@v2
if: always()
# set comment_mode to "always" for pull_request event, set to "off" for all other event types
comment_mode: ${{ (github.event.workflow_run.event == 'pull_request' || github.event_name == 'pull_request') && 'always' || 'off' }}
files: "test-results/**/*.xml"
Here is an example how to use the JSON output of this action to create a badge like this:
Example workflow YAML
- …
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@v2
id: test-results
if: always()
files: "test-results/**/*.xml"
- name: Set badge color
shell: bash
run: |
case ${{ fromJSON( steps.test-results.outputs.json ).conclusion }} in
echo "BADGE_COLOR=31c653" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "BADGE_COLOR=800000" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "BADGE_COLOR=696969" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Create badge
uses: emibcn/badge-action@808173dd03e2f30c980d03ee49e181626088eee8
label: Tests
status: '${{ fromJSON( steps.test-results.outputs.json ).formatted.stats.tests }} tests, ${{ fromJSON( steps.test-results.outputs.json ).formatted.stats.runs }} runs: ${{ fromJSON( steps.test-results.outputs.json ).conclusion }}'
color: ${{ env.BADGE_COLOR }}
path: badge.svg
- name: Upload badge to Gist
# Upload only for master branch
if: >
github.event_name == 'workflow_run' && github.event.workflow_run.head_branch == 'master' ||
github.event_name != 'workflow_run' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
uses: andymckay/append-gist-action@6e8d64427fe47cbacf4ab6b890411f1d67c07f3e
token: ${{ secrets.GIST_TOKEN }}
file: badge.svg
You have to create a personal access toke (PAT) with gist
permission only. Add it to your GitHub Actions secrets, in above example with secret name GIST_TOKEN
Set the gistURL
to the Gist that you want to write the badge file to, in the form of{user}/{id}
You can then use the badge via this URL:{user}/{id}/raw/badge.svg
It is known that this action works best with relative paths (e.g. test-results/**/*.xml
but most absolute paths (e.g. /tmp/test-results/**/*.xml
) require to use the non-Docker variant
of this action:
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/linux@v2
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/macos@v2
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/windows@v2
If you have to use absolute paths with the Docker variant of this action (uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@v2
you have to copy files to a relative path first, and then use the relative path:
- name: Copy Test Results
if: always()
run: |
cp -Lpr /tmp/test-results test-results
shell: bash
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@v2
if: always()
files: |
Using the Docker variant of this action is recommended as it starts up much quicker.
Running this action as below allows to run it on action runners that do not provide Docker:
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/linux@v2
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/macos@v2
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/windows@v2
These actions, however, require a Python3 environment to be setup on the action runner. All GitHub-hosted runners (Ubuntu, Windows Server and macOS) provide a suitable Python3 environment out-of-the-box.
Self-hosted runners may require setting up a Python environment first:
- name: Setup Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: 3.8
Start-up of the action is faster with virtualenv
or venv
package installed.
Running this action via:
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/composite@v2
is deprecated, please use an action appropriate for your operating system and shell:
- Linux (Bash shell):
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/linux@v2
- macOS (Bash shell):
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/macos@v2
- Windows (PowerShell):
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/windows@v2
- Windows (Bash shell):
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/windows/bash@v2
These are non-Docker variations of this action. For details, see section "Running as a non-Docker action" above.
The composite action was able to run on any operating system, as long as Bash shell is installed. The same behaviour can be achieved with multiple steps, each for a specific operating system:
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/linux@2
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
files: test-results/**/*.xml
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/macos@2
if: runner.os == 'macOS'
files: test-results/**/*.xml
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action/windows/bash@2
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
files: test-results/**/*.xml