- EoinFarrell/dotfiles - (3 weeks ago)
- moby/buildkit - concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit (4 months ago)
- EoinFarrell/sca-vs-irish-rail - (4 months ago)
- EoinFarrell/eoinfarrell.dev - (5 months ago)
- EoinFarrell/ansible_role_mullvad_client - An ansible role that installs and configures the mullvad client. (7 months ago)
- prometheus-community/helm-charts (kube-prometheus-stack-69.8.2, today) - Prometheus community Helm charts
- moby/buildkit (v0.20.1, 4 days ago) - concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit
- Remove default run as root from jsonnet on grafana/mimir (2 months ago)
- Add/fix references to labs dockerfile version on moby/buildkit (4 months ago)
- [kube-prometheus-stack] Correctly set version to alertManagerSpec.version on prometheus-community/helm-charts (9 months ago)
- Update title on EoinFarrell/eoinfarrell.dev (1 year ago)
- Remove class declarations on closing elements on mdbootstrap/TW-Elements (2 years ago)
- Updating readme with latest cloudinary parameter requirements on piducancore/gatsby-source-cloudinary-metadata (5 years ago)
- EoinFarrell/homelab.eoinfarrell.dev - (2 months ago)
- danielfoehrKn/kubeswitch - The kubectx for operators. (2 months ago)
- das-kaesebrot/git-sync - Auto-mirroring of git repositories (10 months ago)
- flox/flox - Developer environments you can take with you (10 months ago)
- jetify-com/devbox - Instant, easy, and predictable development environments (10 months ago)
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