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This project is for the Advanced Full-Stack Web Development Path provided by udacity.

It's online storefront to showcase great product ideas.
Admins able to create products and has full permissions to CRUD operations over app.
Users able to browse an index of all products, see the specifics of a single product, and add products to an order that they can view in a cart page.

Tech Stack

  • Server
    • Node
    • Express
    • PostgresSQL
  • Development
    • Typescript
    • Eslint
    • Prettier
    • Jasmine
    • Supertest


Clone the app

  git clone

Go to the app directory

  cd ./storefront-backend

Install dependencies

  npm i

Build app

  npm run build

Initialize app

  npm run init

Please make sure you entered the correct information in the Initialize step.

Running Server

To run server in production env.

  npm run start

To run server in development env.

  npm run start:dev

server is running now on the specified port that you configured in the initialize step!

Running Tests

To start tests in watch mode

  npm run start:test

To run tests after the app was built

  npm run test

All NPM Tasks

Task Action Note
clean Remove build directory .
build Build the app Uses the clean task.
init Initialize app after build it You have to build the app first.
test Run app tests You have to build & init the app first.
start Start the server in production env. You have to build & init the app first.
start:dev Start the dev server Uses the clean task.
start:test Start watching, To build app and run tests Uses the clean task.
prettier Prettify source code .
lint Linting source code .
lint:fix Linting and fix source code .
db To run production db-migrate commands Used by init task.
db:dev To run development db-migrate commands Used by init task.
db:test To run test db-migrate commands Used by test&start:test tasks.

Please note: You will not need to run db:* tasks because they are run automatically

Environment Variables

  • PGUSER : Postgres username.
  • PGPASSWORD : Postgres password.
  • PGHOST : Postgres host.
  • PGPORT : Postgres port.
  • PGDATABASE_PROD : Postgres production database name.
  • PGDATABASE_DEV : Postgres development database name.
  • PGDATABASE_TEST : Postgres test database name.
  • APP_PORT : API Server port.
  • PWH_SALT : Password hashing salt.
  • PWH_ITERATIONS : Password hashing rounds.
  • PWH_ALGORITHM : Password hashing algorithm type.
  • JWT_KEY : JWT secret key.
  • PORT : The server port.

API Requirements

Database schema
API Reference


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