The Push-CDN is a distributed and fault tolerant messaging system purpose-built to support peer-to-peer networks.
- Fast, reliable, and efficient
- Support for both publish-subscribe and direct messaging models
- First class support for routing and authentication on top of public-key cryptosystems
: The discrete message-passing unit of the system.Marshal
: Deals with user authentication and load balancingRedis
: Used as a consistent core for authentication states and broker discovery
async fn main() {
// Generate a random keypair
let (private_key, public_key) =
BLS::key_gen(&(), &mut StdRng::from_entropy()).unwrap();
// Build the config, the endpoint being where we expect the marshal to be
let config = ConfigBuilder::default()
// Private key is only used for signing authentication messages
.keypair(KeyPair {
// Subscribe to the global consensus topic
.subscribed_topics(vec![TestTopic::Global as u8])
// Create a client, specifying the BLS signature algorithm
// and the `QUIC` protocol.
let client = Client::<BLS, Quic>::new(config)
// Send a direct message to ourselves
.send_direct_message(&public_key, b"hello direct".to_vec())
// Receive the direct message
let message = client
// Assert we've received the proper direct message
== Message::Direct(Direct {
recipient: public_key.serialize().unwrap(),
message: b"hello direct".to_vec()
// Send a broadcast message to the global topic
.send_broadcast_message(vec![TestTopic::Global as u8], b"hello broadcast".to_vec())
// Receive the broadcast message
let message = client
// Assert we've received the proper broadcast message
== Message::Broadcast(Broadcast {
topics: vec![TestTopic::Global as u8],
message: b"hello broadcast".to_vec()
Full example available here
Running locally can be achieved via the supplied process-compose.yaml
process-compose up
It requires installation of KeyDB
or Redis
(c) 2024 Espresso Systems.
was developed by Espresso Systems.