What's Changed
- FEMR-364 - Adds support for yes/no custom tab field types by @kdunlap in #659
- Added codebuild badge to readme, added demo specific buildspec by @kdunlap in #662
- Updated dependency for mysql-connector-java to 5.1.49. in #665
- created scala.yml by @JayantDevkar in #670
- Super-femr: Update the installation and add docker instructions on readme by @Baagi in #671
- super-femr: created trauma sheet page and route by @kylene-nicole in #672
- Revert "super-femr: created trauma sheet page and route" by @Baagi in #675
- Refactored the translation flow and fixed unavailable port errors (and minor speedtest changes) by @mhayes2772 in #713
- Added 'English in the Middle' functionality to server.py by @noah1013 in #714
- Button Changes by @DJump13 in #715
- Added Language Codes to Mock Java Files by @noah1013 in #716
- Improvements to translation server for development by @mhayes2772 in #717
- Added RTL css for Right to Left Languages by @Har150n in #718
- implemented URL encoding for Arabic and Hebrew translations by @Har150n in #719
- Revert "implemented URL encoding for Arabic and Hebrew translations" by @Har150n in #720
- Package Downloads Backend Logic by @mhayes2772 in #721
- Refactored response map code to be another class instead of one big method in translateGet() by @Har150n in #722
- Revert "Refactored response map code to be another class instead of one big method in translateGet()" by @Har150n in #723
- refactored response map in TranslateGet() using the Break out Method Object by @Har150n in #724
- Created LICENSE checker script by @noah1013 in #725
- Merge feminators branch with super-femr by @noah1013 in #727
- Refactoring and testing by @mhayes2772 in #726
- PatientEncounter Language automatically set, Refactoring of code for test, TranslationService tests, server changed to POST request & more! by @mhayes2772 in #728
- added tests for the TranslationResponseMap Class by @Har150n in #731
- Added a test script for server.py by @noah1013 in #729
- Added Sprout Method to make checking for argos and marian paths easier to read. by @noah1013 in #730
- Merging tEMinatoRs into the starting super-femr branch by @Har150n in #735
- Update README.md with Build Instructions by @StarDylan in #737
- Fix Invalid Language Code in User Creation [FEMR-26] by @StarDylan in #739
- Docker compose update by @thekevinWHYuan in #738
- Update DB Instructions + Conf with allowPublicKeyRetrieval by @StarDylan in #740
- Brendan by @bholt13 in #741
- Added translation for managing teams, trips, and cities by @thekevinWHYuan in #742
- Signup admin approval notice by @realkaranvir in #743
- created github actions workflow for docker image pushing by @realkaranvir in #748
- Added handling of different environments for speedtest.py call in admin/updates by @bholt13 in #747
- Added timestamp by @thekevinWHYuan in #744
- Fix the Docker Compose to autoEvolve and use Healthcheck by @StarDylan in #749
- fixed feedback submission and user feedback on succession or failure by @thekevinWHYuan in #750
- changed docker-image.yml to use github actions cache for sbt dependen… by @realkaranvir in #751
- Workflow that actually caches the dependencies. by @realkaranvir in #752
- Docker multiplatform build and caching by @realkaranvir in #754
- Added dependency caching for Scala CI by @realkaranvir in #755
- Add External integration tests by @StarDylan in #756
- Fixed Triage Validation by @realkaranvir in #757
- Commit Docker Compose for Integration tests by @StarDylan in #758
- Add Selenium E2E tests to GitHub action CI by @StarDylan in #759
- Triage fixes by @realkaranvir in #760
- Null pointer fixes by @thekevinWHYuan in #761
- Added to seeding and some tests by @JLpro-cd in #762
- Triage soft limits by @realkaranvir in #763
- Added translation tools by @realkaranvir in #765
- Added waits to ensure loading & added E2E tests for request to join + admin approval # 2 by @JLpro-cd in #768
- Add FEMR to FHIR Data Model Translation by @StarDylan in #764
- Brendan by @bholt13 in #770
- e2e medical by @thekevinWHYuan in #769
- feat: fhir patient resource by @StarDylan in #771
- fixed readme images by @thekevinWHYuan in #772
- Addeed Practitioner & Medication Request Resources to Patient export.… by @JLpro-cd in #773
- FHIR support for body temp, blood pressure, weight by @bholt13 in #778
- Workflow update by @realkaranvir in #779
- Respiratory Rate by @StarDylan in #777
- new dispatch workflow by @realkaranvir in #781
- Finish Other Observations by @StarDylan in #780
- fhir observations for history of stuff by @thekevinWHYuan in #782
New Contributors
- @JayantDevkar made their first contribution in #670
- @kylene-nicole made their first contribution in #672
- @mhayes2772 made their first contribution in #713
- @DJump13 made their first contribution in #715
- @Har150n made their first contribution in #718
- @StarDylan made their first contribution in #737
- @thekevinWHYuan made their first contribution in #738
- @bholt13 made their first contribution in #741
- @realkaranvir made their first contribution in #743
Full Changelog: v2.3.8...v3.1.0