released this
03 Feb 03:06
Release Notes
Added search using acronyms
Add and remove files or folders in Explorer's Quick Access via context menu, you can now also launch Quick Access files
Added additional functionalities to Flow's IPlugin interface, this means plugins can all utilise:
FuzzySearch to search for user's query against strings and text
Http.GetAsync, Http.GetStreamAsync and Http.DownloadAsync to download from the web
Plugins can also use add & remove ActionKeyword fuctionalities
Improve Explorer plugin's handling of long running files and folders search, additionally enhanced result list update speed
Hide Flow's progress bar when search window is hidden
Auto re-index Programs plugin when re-index has not run for more than 3 days
New themes Nord, Nord Darker and BlurBlack Darker
Improved the logic for how search results are rendered and new results are added to the results list
Added plugin priority setting, you can now set the priority of each plugin's result manually
Added ability to manually reload the plugin manifest list, use reload plugin data
Updated to avoid the task allocation during image processing
Improved search window's icon(magnifying glass) rendering and quality
Improved plugin's asynchronous operations and introduced new async interfaces
Create and deploy releases from CI
Upgraded the library used to load settings
Added Slovak translation for PluginsManager
Bug fixes
Fixed issue where the query c:\>
does not use directory search
Fixed missing translation files
Use wildcard to include images in projects
Fixed error causing PluginsManager unable to install plugins
Added additional error handling and error logging when updating/downloading plugins #270
Fixed several untranslatable settings text
Fixed Slovak translation for settings, Url and WebSearch plugins text
Fixed Http Proxy not initilized at startup and not working in some case.
Fixed Explorer not opening folder path correctly when path contains a comma
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