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Kripke Incompleteness of Modal Logic KH (#201)
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SnO2WMaN authored Feb 14, 2025
1 parent dbe0738 commit 6d68770
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Showing 5 changed files with 387 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Foundation/Modal/Hilbert/WellKnown.lean
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Expand Up @@ -313,6 +313,9 @@ instance : (Hilbert.GL).HasK where p := 0; q := 1;
instance : (Hilbert.GL).HasL where p := 0
instance : Entailment.GL (Hilbert.GL) where

protected abbrev KH : Hilbert ℕ := ⟨{Axioms.K (.atom 0) (.atom 1), Axioms.H (.atom 0)}⟩
instance : (Hilbert.KH).HasK where p := 0; q := 1;
instance : (Hilbert.KH).HasH where p := 0

protected abbrev Grz : Hilbert ℕ := ⟨{Axioms.K (.atom 0) (.atom 1), Axioms.Grz (.atom 0)}⟩
instance : (Hilbert.Grz).HasK where p := 0; q := 1;
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Foundation/Modal/Kripke/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ protected instance : Semantics.Tarski (M.World) where
realize_or := Satisfies.or_def;
realize_and := Satisfies.and_def;

lemma iff_def : x ⊧ φ ⭤ ψ ↔ (x ⊧ φ ↔ x ⊧ ψ) := by simp [Satisfies];

@[simp] lemma negneg_def : x ⊧ ∼∼φ ↔ x ⊧ φ := by simp;

lemma multibox_def : x ⊧ □^[n]φ ↔ ∀ {y}, x ≺^[n] y → y ⊧ φ := by
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366 changes: 366 additions & 0 deletions Foundation/Modal/Kripke/KH_Incompleteness.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
import Foundation.Modal.Kripke.AxiomL
import Foundation.Modal.Hilbert.WellKnown
import Mathlib.Order.Interval.Finset.Nat

namespace LO.Modal

open System
open Kripke
open Formula
open Formula.Kripke

namespace Kripke

variable {F : Kripke.Frame} {a : ℕ}

lemma valid_atomic_H_of_valid_atomic_L : F ⊧ (Axioms.L (atom a)) → F ⊧ (Axioms.H (atom a)) := by
intro h V x hx;
have : Satisfies ⟨F, V⟩ x (□(□a ➝ a)) := by
intro y Rxy;
exact ( $ @hx y Rxy) |>.1;
exact @h V x this;

lemma valid_atomic_L_of_valid_atomic_H : F ⊧ Axioms.H (atom a) → F ⊧ Axioms.L (atom a) := by
intro hH V x hx;

let V' : Valuation F := λ w a => ∀ n : ℕ, Satisfies ⟨F, V⟩ w (□^[n] a);

have h₁ : Satisfies ⟨F, V'⟩ x (□(□a ⭤ a)) := by
intro y Rxy;
have : Satisfies ⟨F, V'⟩ y a ↔ Satisfies ⟨F, V'⟩ y (□a) := calc
_ ↔ ∀ n, Satisfies ⟨F, V⟩ y (□^[n] a) := by simp [Satisfies, V'];
_ ↔ ∀ n, Satisfies ⟨F, V⟩ y (□^[(n + 1)]a) := by
. intro h n; apply h;
. intro h n;
have h₁ : Satisfies ⟨F, V⟩ y (□□^[n](atom a) ➝ □^[n](atom a)) := by
induction n with
| zero => apply @hx y Rxy;
| succ n => intro _; apply h;
apply h₁;
simpa using h n;
_ ↔ ∀ n, ∀ z, y ≺ z → Satisfies ⟨F, V⟩ z (□^[n] a) := by simp [Satisfies];
_ ↔ ∀ z, y ≺ z → ∀ n : ℕ, Satisfies ⟨F, V⟩ z (□^[n]a) := by aesop;
_ ↔ ∀ z, y ≺ z → Satisfies ⟨F, V'⟩ z (atom a) := by simp [Satisfies, V'];
_ ↔ Satisfies ⟨F, V'⟩ y (□(atom a)) := by simp [Satisfies];
simp [Satisfies, V'];

have h₂ : Satisfies ⟨F, V'⟩ x (□atom a) := @hH V' x h₁;

intro w Rxw;
exact @h₂ w Rxw 0;

lemma valid_atomic_L_iff_valid_atomic_H : F ⊧ Axioms.L (atom 0) ↔ F ⊧ Axioms.H (atom 0) := by
. exact valid_atomic_H_of_valid_atomic_L;
. exact valid_atomic_L_of_valid_atomic_H;

lemma valid_atomic_4_of_valid_atomic_L : F ⊧ Axioms.L (atom 0) → F ⊧ Axioms.Four (atom 0) := by
intro h V x h₂ y Rxy z Ryz;
refine h₂ z ?_;
apply @trans_of_validate_L F h x y z Rxy Ryz;

lemma valid_atomic_Four_of_valid_atomic_H : F ⊧ Axioms.H (atom 0) → F ⊧ Axioms.Four (atom 0) := by
. exact valid_atomic_L_iff_valid_atomic_H.mpr;
. exact valid_atomic_4_of_valid_atomic_L;

abbrev cresswellFrame : Kripke.Frame where
World := ℕ × Fin 2
Rel n m :=
match n, m with
| (n, 0), (m, 0) => n ≤ m + 1
| (n, 1), (m, 1) => n > m
| (_, 0), (_, 1) => True
| _, _ => False

namespace cresswellFrame

@[match_pattern] abbrev sharp (n : ℕ) : cresswellFrame.World := (n, 0)
postfix:max "♯" => sharp

@[match_pattern] abbrev flat (n : ℕ) : cresswellFrame.World := (n, 1)
postfix:max "♭" => flat

variable {n m : ℕ} {x y : cresswellFrame.World}

lemma trichonomy : x ≺ y ∨ x = y ∨ y ≺ x := by
match x, y with
| x♯, y♯ => simp [cresswellFrame, Frame.Rel']; omega;
| x♭, y♯ => simp [cresswellFrame, Frame.Rel'];
| x♯, y♭ => simp [cresswellFrame, Frame.Rel'];
| x♭, y♭ => simp [cresswellFrame, Frame.Rel']; omega;

@[simp] lemma sharp_to_flat : n♯ ≺ m♭ := by simp [cresswellFrame, Frame.Rel']

@[simp] lemma not_flat_to_sharp : ¬(n♭ ≺ m♯):= by simp [cresswellFrame, Frame.Rel'];

lemma sharp_to_sharp : n♯ ≺ m♯ ↔ n ≤ m + 1 := by simp [cresswellFrame, Frame.Rel']

lemma flat_to_flat : n♭ ≺ m♭ ↔ n > m := by simp [cresswellFrame, Frame.Rel'];

lemma exists_flat_of_from_flat (h : n♭ ≺ x) : ∃ m, x = ⟨m, 1⟩ ∧ n > m := by
match x with
| ⟨m, 0⟩ => aesop;
| ⟨m, 1⟩ => use m;

end cresswellFrame

abbrev cresswellModel : Kripke.Model := ⟨cresswellFrame, λ w _ => w ≠ 0♯⟩

namespace cresswellModel

end cresswellModel

open cresswellFrame cresswellModel

lemma not_valid_axiomFour_in_cresswellModel : ¬(Satisfies cresswellModel 2♯ (Axioms.Four (atom 0))) := by
apply Satisfies.imp_def.not.mpr;
. intro x;
match x with
| n♯ =>
intro h2n;
suffices n ≠ 0 by simpa [Satisfies];
| n♭ => simp [Satisfies];
. apply Satisfies.box_def.not.mpr
use 1♯;
. omega;
. apply Satisfies.box_def.not.mpr;
use 0♯;
. omega;
. tauto;

abbrev cresswellModel.truthset (φ : Formula _) := { x : cresswellModel.World | Satisfies cresswellModel x φ }
local notation "‖" φ "‖" => cresswellModel.truthset φ

namespace cresswellModel.truthset

lemma infinite_of_all_flat (h : ∀ n, n♭ ∈ ‖φ‖) : (‖φ‖.Infinite) := by
exact Infinite.of_injective (λ n => ⟨n♭, h n⟩) $ by simp [Function.Injective]

-- TODO: need golf
lemma exists_max_sharp (h₁ : ∀ n, n♭ ∈ ‖φ‖) (h₂ : ‖φ‖ᶜ.Finite) (h₃ : ‖φ‖ᶜ.Nonempty) :
∃ n, n♯ ∉ ‖φ‖ ∧ (∀ m > n, m♯ ∈ ‖φ‖) := by
obtain ⟨s, hs⟩ := Set.Finite.exists_finset (s := (λ x => x.1) '' ‖φ‖ᶜ) $ Set.Finite.image _ h₂;
have se : s.Nonempty := by
let ⟨x, hx⟩ := h₃;
use x.1;
apply hs _ |>.mpr;
use x;
use (s.max' se);
. obtain ⟨f, hx₁⟩ := by simpa using @hs _ |>.mp $ Finset.max'_mem _ se;
match f with
| 0 => exact hx₁;
| 1 =>
have := hx₁ $ h₁ _;
. intro m hm;
by_contra hC;
have : m < m := Finset.max'_lt_iff (H := se) |>.mp hm m (by
apply hs m |>.mpr;
use m♯;
simp at this;

-- TODO: need golf
open Classical in
lemma exists_min_flat (h₁ : ∃ n, n♭ ∉ ‖φ‖) :
∃ n, n♭ ∉ ‖φ‖ ∧ (∀ m < n, m♭ ∈ ‖φ‖) := by
obtain ⟨n, hn⟩ := h₁;
let s := Finset.Icc 0 n |>.filter (λ k => k♭ ∉ ‖φ‖);
have hse : s.Nonempty := by use n; simpa [s];
use (s.min' hse);
have ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ := Finset.mem_filter |>.mp $ @Finset.min'_mem (s := s) _ _ hse;
. exact h₂;
. intro m hm;
by_contra hC;
have := Finset.lt_min'_iff _ _ |>.mp hm m $ by
simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq, Finset.mem_filter, Finset.mem_Icc, zero_le, true_and, s];
. simp only [Finset.lt_min'_iff, s] at hm;
have := hm n $ by simpa [s];
. exact hC;
simp at this;

lemma either_finite_cofinite : (‖φ‖.Finite) ∨ (‖φ‖ᶜ.Finite) := by
induction φ using Formula.rec' with
| hatom a => simp [truthset, Satisfies];
| hfalsum => simp [truthset, Satisfies];
| himp φ ψ ihφ ihψ =>
rw [(show ‖φ ➝ ψ‖ = ‖φ‖ᶜ ∪ ‖ψ‖ by tauto_set), Set.compl_union, compl_compl];
rcases ihφ with (_ | _) <;> rcases ihψ with (_ | _);
. right; apply Set.Finite.inter_of_left; assumption;
. right; apply Set.Finite.inter_of_left; assumption;
. left;
rw [Set.finite_union];
constructor <;> assumption;
. right; apply Set.Finite.inter_of_right; assumption;
| hbox φ ihφ =>
by_cases h : ∀ n, n♭ ∈ ‖φ‖;
. have tsφc_finite : ‖φ‖ᶜ.Finite := ihφ $ truthset.infinite_of_all_flat h;
wlog tsφc_ne : ‖φ‖ᶜ.Nonempty;
. have : ‖□φ‖ᶜ = ∅ := by
simp only [Set.compl_empty_iff, Set.eq_univ_iff_forall, Set.mem_setOf_eq];
intro x y Rxy;
match x, y with
| m♯, k♯ =>
have : ∀ x, Satisfies cresswellModel x φ := by simpa [Set.compl_empty, Set.Nonempty] using tsφc_ne;
apply this;
| m♭, k♯ => simp at Rxy;
| m♯, k♭ => apply h;
| m♭, k♭ => apply h;
rw [this];
obtain ⟨n, hn, hn_max⟩ := exists_max_sharp h tsφc_finite tsφc_ne;
apply @Set.Finite.subset (s := (·♯) '' Set.Icc 0 (n + 1));
. apply Set.toFinite
. intro x hx;
replace := hx;
push_neg at this;
obtain ⟨y, Rxy, _⟩ := this;
match x, y with
| m♯, k♯ =>
by_contra hC; simp at hC;
replace Rxy := Rxy;
have : k♯ ∈ ‖φ‖ := @hn_max k (by omega);
| m♭, k♯ => simp at Rxy;
| _♯, k♭ => have := h k; contradiction;
| _♭, k♭ => have := h k; contradiction;
. left;
push_neg at h;
obtain ⟨n, hn⟩ := h;
apply @Set.Finite.subset (s := (·♭) '' Set.Icc 0 n);
. apply Set.toFinite
. intro x hx;
match x with
| m♯ =>
have := hx n♭ sharp_to_flat;
| m♭ =>
by_contra hC;
have := hx n♭ $ (cresswellFrame.flat_to_flat.mpr $ by simpa using hC);

end cresswellModel.truthset

open Classical in
lemma valid_axiomH_in_cresswellModel : cresswellModel ⊧ □(□φ ⭤ φ) ➝ □φ := by
rintro x;
by_cases h : ∀ n, n♭ ∈ ‖φ‖;
. have tsφc_fin : ‖φ‖ᶜ.Finite := truthset.either_finite_cofinite $ truthset.infinite_of_all_flat h;
wlog tsφc_ne : ‖φ‖ᶜ.Nonempty;
. apply Satisfies.imp_def₂.mpr;
intro y Rxy;
have : ∀ x, Satisfies cresswellModel x φ := by simpa [Set.compl_empty, Set.Nonempty] using tsφc_ne;
apply this;
obtain ⟨n, hn, hn_max⟩ := truthset.exists_max_sharp h tsφc_fin tsφc_ne;
match x with
| m♭ =>
apply Satisfies.imp_def₂.mpr;
rintro y Rny;
obtain ⟨k, ⟨rfl, _⟩⟩ := exists_flat_of_from_flat Rny;
apply h;
| m♯ =>
by_cases hnm : n + 2 ≤ m;
. apply Satisfies.imp_def₂.mpr;
rintro y Rny;
match y with
| _♭ => apply h;
| _♯ => apply hn_max; omega;
. apply Satisfies.imp_def₂.mpr;
apply Satisfies.box_def.not.mpr;
use (n + 1)♯;
. omega;
. have : Satisfies cresswellModel (n + 1)♯ φ := hn_max (n + 1) (by omega);
have : ¬Satisfies cresswellModel (n + 1)♯ (□φ) := by
apply Satisfies.box_def.not.mpr;
use n♯;
. omega;
. apply hn;
apply Satisfies.iff_def.not.mpr;
. push_neg at h;
obtain ⟨n, hn, hn_max⟩ := truthset.exists_min_flat h;
have hn₁ : Satisfies cresswellModel n♭ (□φ) := by
intro x Rnx;
obtain ⟨m, ⟨rfl, hnm⟩⟩ := exists_flat_of_from_flat Rnx;
exact hn_max m hnm;
have hn₂ : ¬Satisfies cresswellModel n♭ (□φ ⭤ φ) := by
apply Satisfies.iff_def.not.mpr;
match x with
| m♯ =>
apply Satisfies.imp_def₂.mpr;
apply Satisfies.box_def.not.mpr;
use n♭;
. exact sharp_to_flat;
. assumption;
| m♭ =>
by_cases hmn : m > n;
. intro h;
have := @h n♭ $ (flat_to_flat.mpr hmn);
. apply Satisfies.imp_def₂.mpr;
rintro y Rmy;
obtain ⟨k, ⟨rfl, hk₂⟩⟩ := exists_flat_of_from_flat Rmy;
apply hn_max;

lemma provable_KH_of_valid_cresswellModel : Hilbert.KH ⊢! φ → cresswellModel ⊧ φ := by
intro h;
induction h using Hilbert.Deduction.rec! with
| maxm h =>
rcases (by simpa using h) with (⟨_, rfl⟩ | ⟨_, rfl⟩);
. exact Kripke.ValidOnModel.axiomK;
. exact valid_axiomH_in_cresswellModel;
| mdp ihφψ ihφ => exact Kripke.ValidOnModel.mdp ihφψ ihφ;
| nec ihφ => exact ihφ;
| imply₁ => exact Kripke.ValidOnModel.imply₁;
| imply₂ => exact Kripke.ValidOnModel.imply₂;
| ec => exact Kripke.ValidOnModel.elimContra;

lemma KH_unprov_axiomFour : Hilbert.KH ⊬ Axioms.Four (atom 0) := fun hC =>
not_valid_axiomFour_in_cresswellModel (provable_KH_of_valid_cresswellModel hC 2♯)

theorem KH_KripkeIncomplete : ¬∃ C : Kripke.FrameClass, ∀ φ, (Hilbert.KH ⊢! φ ↔ C ⊧ φ) := by
rintro ⟨C, h⟩;
have : C ⊧ Axioms.H (atom 0) := @h (Axioms.H (atom 0)) |>.mp $ by simp;
have : C ⊧ Axioms.Four (atom 0) := fun {F} hF => valid_atomic_Four_of_valid_atomic_H (this hF);
have : Hilbert.KH ⊢! Axioms.Four (atom 0) := @h (Axioms.Four (atom 0)) |>.mpr this;
exact @KH_unprov_axiomFour this;

end Kripke

end LO.Modal

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