Fully featured starting project for Fractal framework with prerendering, SSR and i18n. Powered by 🔥FuseBox🔥! as bundle/loader system, which allows a blazingly fast develelopment and production building.
So you are here, this how you can use this repo:
- download this repo
- uncompress the downloaded file
- open the folder
- be sure you have Node.js installed
- open a command window
- type
npm i
and hit enter - type
npm start
and visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser - lets hack it! ❤️
Finally when you have some work done, type npm run compile
and hit enter and your app should appear at the dist/ folder. This is it.
Follow our tutorial here.
All icons are in assets/icons and are svg files with dash separated words. If you add some icon you should run npm run bundle-icons
that use svg-join + svgo to bundle and optimize all icons into assets/icons-bundle.min.svg. Before that, you can use this icons with:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/icons-bundle.css" />
<svg class="svg_my-svg-file"><use xlink:href="icons-bundle.min.svg#my-svg-file"></svg>
<svg class="svg_my-svg-file2"><use xlink:href="icons-bundle.min.svg#my-svg-file2"></svg>
We strongly recommend Visual Studio Code and use fractal-vscode-extension that provide many useful code snippets
- Should be a SPA
- Should have prerendring
- Should have SSR
- Setup SSR
- Support for Windows (There are many bugs on Windows related with fusebox and paths)
- Integrate testing suite
- Broken build (Update to FuseBox 3+, auto-split)