This workshop was held online on March 20, 2021 as part of the CyberSaturdays of TkkrLab. The recording of the workshop.
The workshop consists of:
- Introduction and history of parsing
- Tutorial on writting grammars with an online interactive parser
- Presentation of IParse
- Presentation of RawParser
Afterwards, I was a little disappointed about the workshop, because it turned out to be more of a lecture. I also realized that I should have started with the expression example, which starts around 22:22 and from their explain priorities, show the abstract syntax tree, and explain how to develop the grammar in a number of steps. And this followed by some more about the history of parsing and how I came to develop IParse. (There were also some technical issues with the sound, which forced me to use a MacBook from someone else to give the presentation, not allowing me to show some of the commands.)