Kubernetes cloud autoscaler for vsphere,aws,multipass,openstack,cloudstack,lxd and vmware workstation and vmware fusion provider including a custom resource controller to create managed node without code
This project replace kubernetes-vmware-autoscaler, kubernetes-aws-autoscaler, kubernetes-multipass-autoscaler, kubernetes-desktop-autoscaler.
The autoscaler allow to use different running plateform with different kubernetes distribution
- vSphere
- VMWare Workstation
- VMWare Fusion
- Multipass
- OpenStack
- CloudStack
- Kubeadm
- K3S
- RKE2
- Microk8s
- External
- 1.30.0
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.30
- 1.31.0
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.31
This tool will drive a cloud provider to deploy VM at the demand. The cluster autoscaler deployment use vanilla cluster-autoscaler or then enhanced version of cluster-autoscaler.
This version use grpc to communicate with the cloud provider hosted outside the pod. A docker image is available here cluster-autoscaler
Some samples of the cluster-autoscaler deployment are available at examples/<plateform>/<kube engine>/autoscaler.yaml
. You must fill value between <>
Example of vsphere deployment with k3s: examples/vsphere/k3s/autoscaler.yaml
You can do it from scrash or you can use script from project autoscaled-masterkube-multipass to create a kubernetes cluster in single control plane or in HA mode with 3 control planes.
Parameter | Description |
version |
Display version and exit |
save |
Tell the tool to save state in this file |
config |
The the tool to use config file |
log-format |
The format in which log messages are printed (default: text, options: text, json) |
log-level |
Set the level of logging. (default: info, options: panic, debug, info, warning, error, fatal) |
debug |
Debug mode |
distribution |
Which kubernetes distribution to use: kubeadm, k3s, k3s, external |
use-vanilla-grpc |
Tell we use vanilla autoscaler externalgrpc cloudprovider |
use-controller-manager |
Tell we use vsphere controller manager |
use-external-etcd |
Tell we use an external etcd service (overriden by config file if defined) |
src-etcd-ssl-dir |
Locate the source etcd ssl files (overriden by config file if defined) |
dst-etcd-ssl-dir |
Locate the destination etcd ssl files (overriden by config file if defined) |
kubernetes-pki-srcdir |
Locate the source kubernetes pki files (overriden by config file if defined) |
kubernetes-pki-dstdir |
Locate the destination kubernetes pki files (overriden by config file if defined) |
server |
The Kubernetes API server to connect to (default: auto-detect) |
kubeconfig |
Retrieve target cluster configuration from a Kubernetes configuration file (default: auto-detect) |
request-timeout |
Request timeout when calling Kubernetes APIs. 0s means no timeout |
deletion-timeout |
Deletion timeout when delete node. 0s means no timeout |
node-ready-timeout |
Node ready timeout to wait for a node to be ready. 0s means no timeout |
max-grace-period |
Maximum time evicted pods will be given to terminate gracefully. |
min-cpus |
Limits: minimum cpu (default: 1) |
max-cpus |
Limits: max cpu (default: 24) |
min-memory |
Limits: minimum memory in MB (default: 1G) |
max-memory |
Limits: max memory in MB (default: 24G) |
min-managednode-cpus |
Managed node: minimum cpu (default: 2) |
max-managednode-cpus |
Managed node: max cpu (default: 32) |
min-managednode-memory |
Managed node: minimum memory in MB (default: 2G) |
max-managednode-memory |
Managed node: max memory in MB (default: 24G) |
min-managednode-disksize |
Managed node: minimum disk size in MB (default: 10MB) |
max-managednode-disksize |
Managed node: max disk size in MB (default: 1T) |
The build process use make file. The simplest way to build is make container
Instead using kubeadm as kubernetes distribution method, it is possible to use k3s, rke2, microk8s or external
external allow to use custom shell script to join cluster
Samples provided here
You can also use the vanilla autoscaler with the externalgrpc cloud provider
Samples of the cluster-autoscaler deployment with vanilla autoscaler. You must fill value between <>
When you use a custom method to create your cluster, you must provide a shell script to autoscaler to join the cluster. The script use a yaml config created by autoscaler at the given path. Eventually you can provide also a script called before node delettion
config: /etc/default/kubernetes-cloud-autoscaler-config.yaml
provider-id: vsphere://42373f8d-b72d-21c0-4299-a667a18c9fce
max-pods: 110
node-name: vsphere-dev-k3s-woker-01
token: K1060b887525bbfa7472036caa8a3c36b550fbf05e6f8e3dbdd970739cbd7373537
disable-cloud-controller: false
If you declare to use an external etcd service
datastore-cafile: /etc/ssl/etcd/ca.pem
datastore-certfile: /etc/ssl/etcd/etcd.pem
datastore-keyfile: /etc/ssl/etcd/etcd-key.pem
You can also provide extras config onto this file
"external": {
"join-command": "/usr/local/bin/join-cluster.sh",
"delete-command": "/usr/local/bin/delete-node.sh",
"config-path": "/etc/default/kubernetes-cloud-autoscaler-config.yaml",
"extra-config": {
"mydata": {
"extra": "ball"
"...": "..."
Your script is responsible to set the correct kubelet flags such as max-pods=110, provider-id=vsphere://42373f8d-b72d-21c0-4299-a667a18c9fce, cloud-provider=external, ...
If you expected to use cloud-autoscaler on already deployed kubernetes cluster, you must add some node annotations to existing node
Also don't forget to create an image usable by autoscaler to scale up the cluster create-image.sh
Annotation | Description | Value |
cluster-autoscaler.kubernetes.io/scale-down-disabled |
Avoid scale down for this node | true |
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/name |
Node group name | vsphere-dev-k3s |
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/autoprovision |
Tell if the node is provisionned by autoscaler | false |
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/instance-id |
The vm UUID | 42373f8d-b72d-21c0-4299-a667a18c9fce |
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/instance-name |
The vm name | vsphere-dev-k3s-masterkube |
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/managed |
Tell if the node is managed by autoscaler not autoscaled | false |
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/node-index |
The node index, will be set if missing | 0 |
Sample master node
cluster-autoscaler.kubernetes.io/scale-down-disabled: "true"
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/autoprovision: "false"
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/instance-id: 42373f8d-b72d-21c0-4299-a667a18c9fce
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/instance-name: vsphere-dev-k3s-masterkube
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/managed: "false"
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/name: vsphere-dev-k3s
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/node-index: "0"
Sample first worker node
cluster-autoscaler.kubernetes.io/scale-down-disabled: "true"
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/autoprovision: "false"
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/instance-id: 42370879-d4f7-eab0-a1c2-918a97ac6856
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/instance-name: vsphere-dev-k3s-worker-01
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/managed: "false"
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/name: vsphere-dev-k3s
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/node-index: "1"
Sample autoscaled worker node
cluster-autoscaler.kubernetes.io/scale-down-disabled: "false"
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/autoprovision: "true"
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/instance-id: 3d25c629-3f1d-46b3-be9f-b95db2a64859
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/instance-name: vsphere-dev-k3s-autoscaled-01
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/managed: "false"
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/name: vsphere-dev-k3s
cluster.autoscaler.nodegroup/node-index: "2"
These labels will be added
Label | Description | Value |
node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane |
Tell if the node is control-plane | true |
node-role.kubernetes.io/master |
Tell if the node is master | true |
node-role.kubernetes.io/worker |
Tell if the node is worker | true |
autoscaler will set correctly the node provider id when you use platform cloud controller.
This release include a CRD controller allowing to create kubernetes node without use of cli or code. Just by apply a configuration file, you have the ability to create nodes on the fly.
As example you can take a look on artifacts/examples on execute the following command to create a new node
File | Description |
managed-addr.yaml |
Create a managed node with a fixed IP address |
managed-control-plane.yaml |
Create a control-plane node with a fixed IP address |
managed-dhcp.yaml |
Create a managed node with a DHCP address |
managed-nodes.yaml |
Create two managed nodes with a fixed IP address |
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/aws/k3s/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/aws/k3s/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/aws/k3s/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/aws/k3s/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/aws/kubeadm/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/aws/kubeadm/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/aws/kubeadm/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/aws/kubeadm/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/aws/microk8s/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/aws/microk8s/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/aws/microk8s/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/aws/microk8s/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/aws/rke2/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/aws/rke2/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/aws/rke2/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/aws/rke2/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/cloudstack/k3s/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/cloudstack/k3s/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/cloudstack/k3s/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/cloudstack/k3s/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/cloudstack/kubeadm/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/cloudstack/kubeadm/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/cloudstack/kubeadm/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/cloudstack/kubeadm/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/cloudstack/microk8s/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/cloudstack/microk8s/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/cloudstack/microk8s/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/cloudstack/microk8s/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/cloudstack/rke2/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/cloudstack/rke2/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/cloudstack/rke2/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/cloudstack/rke2/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/desktop/k3s/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/desktop/k3s/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/desktop/k3s/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/desktop/k3s/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/desktop/kubeadm/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/desktop/kubeadm/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/desktop/kubeadm/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/desktop/kubeadm/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/desktop/microk8s/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/desktop/microk8s/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/desktop/microk8s/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/desktop/microk8s/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/desktop/rke2/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/desktop/rke2/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/desktop/rke2/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/desktop/rke2/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/multipass/k3s/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/multipass/k3s/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/multipass/k3s/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/multipass/k3s/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/multipass/kubeadm/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/multipass/kubeadm/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/multipass/kubeadm/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/multipass/kubeadm/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/multipass/microk8s/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/multipass/microk8s/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/multipass/microk8s/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/multipass/microk8s/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/multipass/rke2/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/multipass/rke2/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/multipass/rke2/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/multipass/rke2/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/openstack/k3s/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/openstack/k3s/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/openstack/k3s/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/openstack/k3s/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/openstack/kubeadm/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/openstack/kubeadm/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/openstack/kubeadm/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/openstack/kubeadm/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/openstack/microk8s/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/openstack/microk8s/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/openstack/microk8s/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/openstack/microk8s/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/openstack/rke2/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/openstack/rke2/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/openstack/rke2/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/openstack/rke2/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/k3s/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/k3s/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/k3s/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/k3s/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/kubeadm/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/kubeadm/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/kubeadm/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/kubeadm/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/microk8s/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/microk8s/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/microk8s/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/microk8s/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/rke2/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/rke2/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/rke2/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/rke2/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/lxd/k3s/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/lxd/k3s/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/lxd/k3s/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/lxd/k3s/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/lxd/kubeadm/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/lxd/kubeadm/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/lxd/kubeadm/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/lxd/kubeadm/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/lxd/microk8s/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/lxd/microk8s/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/lxd/microk8s/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/lxd/microk8s/managed-nodes.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/lxd/rke2/managed-addr.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/lxd/rke2/managed-control-plane.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/lxd/rke2/managed-dhcp.yaml
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/lxd/rke2/managed-nodes.yaml
If you want delete the node just delete the CRD with the call
kubectl delete -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/rke2/managed-dhcp.yaml
You have the ability also to create a control plane as instead a worker
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/vsphere/rke2/managed-control-plane.yaml
The resource is cluster scope so you don't need a namespace. The name of the resource is not the name of the managed node.
The minimal resource declaration
apiVersion: "nodemanager.aldunelabs.com/v1alpha2"
kind: "ManagedNode"
name: "vsphere-dev-k3s-managed-01"
nodegroup: vsphere-dev-k3s
instanceType: small
diskSizeInMb: 10240
diskType: gp3
The full qualified resource including networks declaration to override the default controller network management and adding some node labels & annotations. If you specify the managed node as controller, you can also allows the controlplane to support deployment as a worker node
apiVersion: "nodemanager.aldunelabs.com/v1alpha2"
kind: "ManagedNode"
name: "vsphere-dev-k3s-managed-01"
nodegroup: vsphere-dev-k3s
controlPlane: false
allowDeployment: true
instanceType: small
diskSizeInMB: 10240
diskType: gp3
- demo-label.acme.com=demo
- sample-label.acme.com=sample
- demo-annotation.acme.com=demo
- sample-annotation.acme.com=sample
network: "VM Network"
use-dhcp-routes: false
- to: default
metric: 100
- to: x.x.0.0/16
metric: 100
- to: y.y.y.y/8
metric: 500
network: "VLAN20"
use-dhcp-routes: false
As example of use generated by autoscaled-masterkube-multipass scripts
"use-external-etcd": false,
"src-etcd-ssl-dir": "/etc/etcd/ssl",
"dst-etcd-ssl-dir": "/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd",
"distribution": "k3s",
"plateform": "vsphere",
"kubernetes-pki-srcdir": "/etc/kubernetes/pki",
"kubernetes-pki-dstdir": "/etc/kubernetes/pki",
"image-credential-provider-bin-dir": "/var/lib/rancher/credentialprovider/bin",
"image-credential-provider-config": "/var/lib/rancher/credentialprovider/config.yaml",
"listen": "unix:/var/run/cluster-autoscaler/autoscaler.sock",
"secret": "vsphere",
"minNode": 0,
"maxNode": 9,
"maxPods": 110,
"maxNode-per-cycle": 2,
"nodegroup": "vsphere-dev-k3s",
"node-name-prefix": "autoscaled",
"managed-name-prefix": "managed",
"controlplane-name-prefix": "master",
"nodePrice": 0,
"podPrice": 0,
"use-cloudinit-config": false,
"cloudinit-file-owner": "root:adm",
"cloudinit-file-mode": 420,
"optionals": {
"pricing": false,
"getAvailableMachineTypes": false,
"newNodeGroup": false,
"templateNodeInfo": false,
"createNodeGroup": false,
"deleteNodeGroup": false
"k3s": {
"address": "",
"token": "...",
"ca": "sha256:...",
"extras-args": [
"datastore-endpoint": "",
"extras-commands": []
"default-machine": "medium",
"cloud-init": {
"package_update": false,
"package_upgrade": false,
"growpart": {
"ignore_growroot_disabled": false,
"mode": "auto",
"devices": [
"runcmd": [
"echo ' vsphere-dev-k3s-masterkube vsphere-dev-k3s-masterkube.acme.com' >> /etc/hosts"
"ssh-infos": {
"wait-ssh-ready-seconds": 180,
"user": "kubernetes",
"ssh-private-key": "/etc/ssh/id_rsa"
"autoscaling-options": {
"scaleDownUtilizationThreshold": 0.5,
"scaleDownGpuUtilizationThreshold": 0.5,
"scaleDownUnneededTime": "1m",
"scaleDownUnreadyTime": "1m",
"maxNodeProvisionTime": "15m",
"zeroOrMaxNodeScaling": false,
"ignoreDaemonSetsUtilization": true
"credential-provider-config": {
"apiVersion": "kubelet.config.k8s.io/v1",
"kind": "CredentialProviderConfig",
"providers": [
"name": "ecr-credential-provider",
"matchImages": [
"defaultCacheDuration": "12h",
"apiVersion": "credentialprovider.kubelet.k8s.io/v1",
"args": [
"env": [
"name": "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID",
"value": "...."
"value": "...."
"url": "https://[email protected]:[email protected]/sdk",
"uid": "[email protected]",
"password": "mypassword",
"insecure": true,
"dc": "DC01",
"datastore": "datastore",
"resource-pool": "ACME/Resources/FR",
"vmFolder": "HOME",
"timeout": 300,
"template-name": "jammy-kubernetes-k3s-v1.29.1+k3s2-amd64",
"template": false,
"linked": false,
"allow-upgrade": false,
"customization": "",
"region": "home",
"zone": "office",
"network": {
"domain": "acme.com",
"dns": {
"search": [
"nameserver": [
"interfaces": [
"enabled": true,
"primary": true,
"exists": true,
"network": "VLAN20",
"adapter": "vmxnet3",
"mac-address": "generate",
"nic": "eth0",
"dhcp": true,
"use-dhcp-routes": false,
"address": "",
"netmask": "",
"routes": [
"to": "default",
"via": "",
"metric": 100
"enabled": true,
"primary": false,
"exists": false,
"network": "VM Network",
"adapter": "vmxnet3",
"mac-address": "generate",
"nic": "eth1",
"dhcp": true,
"use-dhcp-routes": true,
"routes": [
"to": "",
"via": "",
"metric": 500