You can check it out HERE
- Ideal for people looking for information on the move.
- Suited for online as well as offline viewing.
- Immensely popular with Millennials.
- Facilitate higher completion rates.
- Provide access to just-in-time information.
- Ideal for performance support.
An Online learning app can be accessed from a smartphone. It is a technology-based study tool that enables information sharing. It is commonly known as mobile apps for learning. Online learning app is a great learning tool for students who do not have access to a physical classroom.
Throughout the developing process of the 'BLearning' app, we the 'BLearning' app developers team have practiced a lot on these phases:-
- Teamwork
- Git & Github
- HMTL5 & CSS3
- Responsive Web Design
And we've earned a noticeable experience in GitHub workflow. Each developer has a specific task with a limited time to finish.
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