AsteroidShooter is a Flutter game built using the Flame engine. The game challenges players to control a spaceship, avoid enemies, and shoot to survive. As the game progresses, enemies spawn faster, and the gameplay becomes more challenging.
This tutorial walks you through the process of building AstroidGame step by step. By the end, you'll have a complete game that integrates shooting mechanics, dynamic enemy spawning, and animations.
- Flutter installed on your system. (Install Flutter)
- Basic understanding of Dart and Flutter.
- Add the following dependencies to your
flame: ^1.2.0
flame_audio: ^1.2.0
sdk: flutter
Run the following command to install the dependencies:
flutter pub get
The core of the game is the AstroidGame
class, which extends FlameGame
. This class handles the main game loop, updating the game state, and responding to player input.
class AstroidGame extends FlameGame with PanDetector, HasCollisionDetection {
late Player player;
late SpawnComponent enemySpawner;
bool isGameOver = false;
Future<void> onLoad() async {
// Load background
final parallax = await loadParallaxComponent([
baseVelocity: Vector2(0, -7),
repeat: ImageRepeat.repeat,
// Add player
player = Player();
// Enemy spawner
enemySpawner = SpawnComponent(
factory: (index) => Enemy(),
period: 1.0,
area: Rectangle.fromLTWH(0, 0, size.x, -Enemy.enemySize),
void startBgmMusic() {
void onPanUpdate(DragUpdateInfo info) {
if (!isGameOver) {
: The base class for building games with Flame.PanDetector
: Captures drag events to move the player.- Parallax Background: Adds a scrolling starry background for the space theme.
The Player
class represents the spaceship controlled by the user. It can move and shoot bullets.
class Player extends SpriteComponent {
late final SpawnComponent _bulletSpawner;
: super(
size: Vector2(113.5 / 2, 132 / 2),
anchor: Anchor.bottomCenter,
Future<void> onLoad() async {
sprite = await gameRef.loadSprite('rocketShip.png');
position = Vector2(gameRef.size.x / 2, gameRef.size.y - 40);
// Add hitbox for collision detection
// Bullet spawner
_bulletSpawner = SpawnComponent(
period: 0.2,
selfPositioning: true,
factory: (index) => Bullet(position: position - Vector2(0, height / 2)),
autoStart: false,
void move(Vector2 delta) {
void startShooting() {
void stopShooting() {
- Positioning: The player starts at the bottom center of the screen.
- Hitbox: Added for collision detection.
- Shooting: Uses a
to periodically create bullets.
The Bullet
class handles the logic for bullets fired by the player.
class Bullet extends SpriteComponent {
Bullet({super.position}) : super(size: Vector2(25, 50), anchor: Anchor.bottomRight);
Future<void> onLoad() async {
sprite = await gameRef.loadSprite('bullet.png');
add(RectangleHitbox(collisionType: CollisionType.passive));
void update(double dt) {
position.y -= dt * 500; // Move bullet upwards
if (position.y < -height) {
- CollisionType.passive: Allows the bullet to interact with enemies.
- Movement: Bullets move upwards and are removed when off-screen.
The Enemy
class spawns enemies at random positions and moves them toward the player.
class Enemy extends SpriteComponent {
Enemy({super.position}) : super(size: Vector2.all(100), anchor:;
Future<void> onLoad() async {
sprite = await gameRef.loadSprite('enemy.png');
void update(double dt) {
position.y += dt * 100; // Move enemy downwards
if (position.y > gameRef.size.y) {
void onCollision(Set<Vector2> intersectionPoints, PositionComponent other) {
if (other is Bullet || other is Player) {
gameRef.add(Explosion(position: position));
- Movement: Enemies move down the screen.
- Collision Handling: Enemies are removed upon collision with bullets or the player, triggering an explosion.
The Explosion
class animates the explosion effect when an enemy or the player is destroyed.
class Explosion extends SpriteAnimationComponent {
Explosion({super.position}) : super(size: Vector2.all(150), anchor:;
Future<void> onLoad() async {
animation = await gameRef.loadSpriteAnimation(
amount: 6,
stepTime: 0.1,
textureSize: Vector2.all(32),
loop: false,
- Animation: Displays a sequence of explosion sprites.
- Remove on Finish: Automatically removes itself after the animation completes.
Combine the components by creating an instance of AstroidGame
in your main app and running it in a GameWidget
void main() {
runApp(GameWidget(game: AstroidGame()));
You now have a working space shooter game! Customize the game further by:
- Adding power-ups.
- Introducing more enemy types.
- Implementing a scoring system.
Enjoy building games with Flame!