- Custom resource definition from https://download.elastic.co/downloads/eck/1.9.0/crds.yaml
- Provides the definition so we could define elasticsearch objects as kubernetes resources
- Operator from https://download.elastic.co/downloads/eck/1.9.0/operator.yaml
- Provides the definition and methods to manage kubernetes applications
- Shell scripts
- deployES.sh
- Performs the creation of CRD, application of the operator, persistent volumes and the creation of the ES cluster
- testES.sh
- Performs cluster readiness checks by connecting to the cluster and verifying if POST and GET for ES documents are working.
- deleteES.sh
- Performs ES cluster deletion and cleanup of persistent volumes.
- deployES.sh
- Cluster name : escluster
- Number of nodes : 3 nodes
- Volume claim template
- Name : elasticsearch-data
- storage : 5Gi
- storageClassName: manual (ideal: standard)
- ideally this would an EBS volume not hosted on the hosts as loss of these hosts due to maintenance will render the data useless. But I don't have aws CLI access to create EBS volumes, ideally AWS EBS CSI driver is also installed.
- 3 persistent volumes
- Names : elasticsearch-data-0, elasticsearch-data-1, elasticsearch-data-2
- storage: 5Gi
- storageClassName: manual (ideal:standard)
- Ideally connect to AWS EBS (limitation due to lack of AWS CLI access)
- AWS EBS volumes
- kubectl
- kubeconfig context is already pointing to the right cluster
export KUBECONFIG=<path>
kubectl auth can-i delete pods
- Clone the reposistory
git clone https://github.com/GedriteA/Quickstart-deploy-ES-to-kubernetes.git
- Provide execute permissions for the scripts ./deployES.sh and ./testES.sh
chmod 755 deployES.sh
chmod 755 testES.sh
- Run the deploy script
Wait for the ES cluster to deploy this takes about 10 minutes at the max
Port forward ES service to your local machine
kubectl port-forward service/escluster-es-http 9200
- Run the test suite
- Change directory to esclusterdeletion
cd esclusterdeletion
- Provide execute permissions for ./deleteES.sh
chmod 755 deleteES.sh
- Run the deletion script