Quadrupia is a database of G-Quadruplex sequences from 108,449 organismal genomes across the Tree of Life. This repository contains scripts used for analysis of the G-Quadruplex data.
Paper: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.07.09.602008v1.full
- raw_data/ (Input data): Contains extracted G4 sequences. Please contact us for access.
- metadata/: Contains text files and tabular data with metadata such as taxonomic groups, ftp paths for download and other information associated with reference genomes.
- scripts/: Contains scripts used for downloading, parsing and pre-processing data.
- slurm/: Contains scripts used for running jobs on the cluster.
- batch/: Bash scripts for submitting batch jobs to slurm.
- files/: Text files containing command line arguments for slurm scripts in the slurm/batch/ directory.
- prep/: Python scripts for generating text files in the slurm/files/ directory.
- data/: Contains extracted G4 sequences and GFF data in bed format for further processing, and is generated using scripts in the scripts/ and the slurm/ directories.
- results/: Contains results from processing of data in data/ using scripts in the scripts/ directory.
- notebooks/: Contains Jupyter notebooks that use the processed data in the results/ directory for further analysis and data visualization.
- supplementary_data/: Contains supplementary data for the paper.
To get started with the project, clone the repository and install the required dependencies. Optionally, create a new conda environment for the project.
# create a new conda environment (optional)
conda create -n quadrupia python=3.9
conda activate quadrupia
# clone repository and install dependencies
git clone https://github.com/Georgakopoulos-Soares-lab/Quadrupia.git
cd Quadrupia
pip install -r requirements.txt
For questions, or to report bugs, contact -
[email protected] (Nikol Chantzi)
[email protected] (Akshatha Nayak)
[email protected] (Ilias Georgakopoulos-Soares)