RESTful Blog App is a web application developed with best applications of RESTful Routing using Node.JS, Express.JS, Embedded JavaScript (EJS) and more. It is made while pursuing The Web Developer Bootcamp course on Udemy. This 40+ hour course covers HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, Express, MongoDB, Git, and a bunch of other smaller topics along the way.
Course Instructor: Colt Steele
Name | Path | HTTP Verb | Purpose | Mongoose Method |
Index | /blogs | GET | List all blogs | Blog.find() |
New | /blogs/new | GET | Show new blog form | N/A |
Create | /blogs | POST | Create a new blog, then redirect somewhere | Blog.create() |
Show | /blogs/:id | GET | Show info about one specific blog | Blog.findById() |
Edit | /blogs/:id/edit | GET | Show edit form for one blog | Blog.findById() |
Update | /blogs/:id | PUT | Update a particular blog, then redirect somewhere | Blog.findByIdAndUpdate() |
Destroy | /blogs/:id | DELETE | Delete a particular blog, then redirect somewhere | Blog.findByIdAndRemove() |
- app.js is the main file that is the heart of our NodeJS web application and contains the RESTful Routes defined for each event.
- views directory contains the relevant files, the EJS templates, that render on each event.
- public/css directory contains CSS to create better interface.
- package.json file contains the information towards the various frameworks that were installed within the course of this project.
- ExpressJS is used for Server Side Routing applications.
- MongooseJS is used for Back-End Database operations with MongoDB NoSQL Database.
- Body-Parser is used to Parse the data that was received as a result of HTTP POST request.
- Method-Override is used to override the HTTP verb to implement PUT and DELETE methods.
- Express.Static() is used to serve the Static files CSS, JS, etc. in the directory as specified.
- Sanitizer is used to sanitize the contents of HTML inputs and keeps the Database Safe.
The application is hosted on Cloud9 IDE, an open-source Cloud Service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) for developing web applications.