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Tags: GoogleCloudPlatform/iot-device-sdk-embedded-c
Merge `development` into `master` in prep for Release 1.0.3 (#122) * fix fopen FILE* unsigned comparison bug iotc_bsp_io_fs_open() in src/bsp/platform/posix/iotc_bsp_io_fs_posix.c sets resource_handle_out to the FILE* returned by fopen() if fopen() doesn't fail. This in turn gets assigned to the resource manager's context->resource_handle. Later, iotc_resource_manager_read() in src/libiotc/io/fs/iotc_resource_manager.c checks to make sure context->resource_handle is not less the zero. But there's nothing about fopen() that ensures that the FILE* returned by fopen() can't be a value less than zero (when used in a signed comparison). If iotc_resource_manager_read() is going to assume a value less than 0 indicates a BSP file io open error, then we need to replace the use of fopen() in iotc_bsp_io_fs_posix.c with open(). * Fix User Guide Links to Headings We must use all lower case, remove the colons, and substitute spaces for hypens to get heading links working correctly. See the code that creates links here: * downcases the string * removes anything that is not a letter, number, space or hyphen (see the source for how Unicode is handled) * changes any space to a hyphen. * if that is not unique, add "-1", "-2", "-3",... to make it unique * Release notes update and in-code version increase to 1.0.3. (#123) * Release notes update and in-code version increase to 1.0.3. Co-authored-by: Philip Fisher <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Gus Class <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Mike V <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Arpad Tigyi <[email protected]>
Merge pull request #58 Release Version 1.0.1 from GoogleCloudPlatform… …/development # Google Cloud IoT Core Device SDK for Embedded C version 1.0.1 #### April 8, 2019 - The TLS Board Support Package (BSP) reference implementation for mbedTLS has been updated to use deterministic ECDSA signatures. - `iotc_get_state_string` may now be used to query error strings for application debugging. See `include/iotc_error.h` to enable this feature. - Updated the gtest framework compilation standard to c++14. This does not affect the IoT Device SDK library sources. - Documentation: - Updates to the Device SDK [API]( and [BSP]( doxygen documentation. - [``]( formatting updates. - [``]( includes a new pull request processes and a link to the Google style guidelines. - Networking BSP: - Added UDP and IPv6 support. - Removed the function `iotc_bsp_io_net_create_socket`. Sockets should now be created in BSP implementations of `iotc_bsp_iot_net_socket_connect`. - See `include/bsp/iotc_bsp_io_net.h` for more information about these changes. - Removed `src/bsp/platform/posix/iotc_bsp_hton.h` as it was no longer required. - Time API: - The `iotc_time_t` typedef is now defined as an `int64_t`. - Added the function `iotc_bsp_time_getmonotonictime_milliseconds`. - See `include/bsp/iotc_time.h` for more information about these changes.
Merge pull request #34 Release Version 1.0 from GoogleCloudPlatform/d… …evelopment # Google Cloud IoT Core Device SDK for Embedded C version 1.0 #### February 222018 - Added FreeRTOS example. See `examples/freertos_linux/Linux_gcc_gcp_iot/` for more information. - Added Zephyr example. See `examples/zephyr_native_posix/` for more information. - Added ATECC608 Secure Element reference implementation for generating JWT signatures with private keys. See `src/bsp/crypto/cryptoauthlib/iotc_bsp_crypto_cryptoauthlib.c` for more information. - Connection API Changes: - JWT creation and formation was added to a new header file `include/iotc_jwt.h`. - `iotc_connect` and `iotc_connect_to` now take the standard MQTT connect credentials of username, password, and client_id. A JWT, formatted according to [Cloud IoT Core specifications](, should be passed as the MQTT password when connecting to Cloud IoT Core. - For more information, see the Doxygen reference in the `include/` directory source files or the `doc/doxygen/api` directory (for the HTML formatted documentation).