Releases: GospelBG/ChatPointsTTV
Releases · GospelBG/ChatPointsTTV
v2.3.2 (Spigot 1.21.3 Hotfix)
Hotfix release to patch error in #29 until next version release (in which there will be a proper fix)
If you are using v2.3.1 and not have any issues there is no need to update. This version bundles all dependencies into the jar file to prevent library conflicts, and it's exactly the same version as the previous one.
NOTE: This release will not be on any other mirrors due to file size limitations.
ChatPointsTTV 2.0 introduces some new features such as mob customization, follow, cheer, sub and gift events and an in-game stream chat.
It supports any Minecraft version between 1.9 and 1.21 (latest at the moment)
Full changelog:
- Bug fixes
- Intuitive Twitch Login
- Auto login (token only)
- Follow events
- Cheer events
- Subscription and gift events
- In-game stream chat
- Mob customization (glow effect, viewer name)
- Support every entity in the game, not limited to mobs anymore
- Support multiple actions in an event
- Status and unlink command
- QoL improvements