Basic x64 assembler which currently supports the majority of x64 instructions, including pretty much all extensions as specified by the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual. Additionally, it also supports out-of-order definition with optimal instruction selection (pretty much 1-to-1 with Nasm), as well as labels, and memory defines.
Get started by running:
# clone the repository
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd baremetal
# generate build files using premake5 (see premake5 targets for more info)
$ premake5 gmake
# compile the project using gmake and run tests
$ make
$ ./output/bin/test_runner/test_runner
You can find some basic examples in the test directory.
- source # assembler source directory
|- assembler # source code for the assembler implementation
`- tests # test runners and test cases
- tools # utilities used for managing the instruction database and tests
`- scripts # implementations of the utility programs
To achieve overall correctness, the project utilizes a variety of tests, some of which may need to be regenerated once breaking changes to the instruction database are introduced.
baremetal invokes Nasm when generating encoding tests, depending on the number of instructions the test generation process may take up to 30 minutes.
The following commands are intended to be used to aid the developer when manipulating the instruction database:
./tools/ # invokes the table_generator and convert_db scripts
./tools/ # generates a series of instruction tests based off of the contents of ./tools/scripts/db.json
./tools/ # lists statistics about the current instruction set
./tools/ # regenerates database tables used by the main baremetal project
./tools/ # converts ./tools/scripts/asmjit_db.json into the format used by baremetal
- Executable/binary emission
- Optional type prefixes
- Better support for memory operands with SSE registers
- Better error checking