People can have multiple parties
-Get rid of party info in the person and put it in a Party Model
When you click on a TeamView-grid row, a second JQGrid will display an list the parties which that person is going to.
-The columns should be Theme, Time, Date
Plan of attack:
Two Collections:
- Parties - (Model : Party)
- Team - (Model : Person)
Two Models:
- Party - (party_id, party_theme, party_date, party_time, person_id)
person_id is the ID of the person who is going to that party
- Person - (name, age, bdate)
- PartyAPI - contains a reference to Parties Collection and Team Collection.
will read in JSON data and populating collections
will calculate number of parties for each person
- PartyApp - Starting point of program
- TeamView - JQGrid with columns (id, Name, Ave, BDate, Num_Parties) source = Team.toJSON()
- PartiesView - JQGrid with columns (id, Theme, Time, Date) source = Parties.toJSON()
- PersonView - Allows user to update Bdate for selected user
- PartyView - Allows user to make a new party for selected user
PartyAPI will calculate a Person's num_parties but where should that data be stored? In the API I suspect. The API could listen to "add" events from Parties Collection and update the appropriate Person's corresponding num_party value.