Python script that analyzes financial records to calculate each of the following:
- The total number of months included in the dataset.
- The net total amount of Profit/Losses over the entire period.
- The average of the changes in Profit/Losses over the entire period.
- The greatest increase in profits (date and amount) over the entire period.
- The greatest decrease in losses (date and amount) over the entire period.
Specificially, the financial records is a .csv file containing budget data over several years.
The following is a screenshot of my notebook file rendered in VS Code where I have imported the Pandas and Path libraries. After, I simply pointed my path variable to a CSV file named "budget_data" and loaded the dataframe using the .read_csv function.
Next, I calculated the total number of months, net profit/losses, and net change over the entire period.
Finally , I calculated the average change, maximum change, and minimum change of budget over the entired period.
And that's that! Overall, this is a simple overview of budget data. Just by looking at the csv file month to month it is difficult to understand what happened over the time period. This analysis paints a better picture of what happened with the amounts over time. I will next try to visualize the data so we get an even more comprehensive insights. Feel free to use this code if you have similar data!