Task Manager is a web application that allows users to efficiently manage their tasks. With this tool, users can add, delete, and update tasks. Additionally, tasks can be assigned priorities to help users stay organized. The application also includes an authentication system, ensuring that only authorized users can access and manage their tasks.
- Task Management: Add, update, and delete tasks.
- Prioritization: Assign priority levels to tasks.
- Authentication: Secure user login and registration.
- Responsive Design: Works across various devices.
Task management API using Python Flask, SQL Alchemy and Marshmallow
# Clone repo
$ git clone https://github.com/HARRIFIED/Task-Manager.git
``` bash
# enter the backend directory
$ cd backend
``` bash
# Activate venv
$ pipenv shell
# Install dependencies
$ pipenv install
# Run Server (http://localhst:5000)
python app.py
# Run tests
- GET /api/tasks
- GET /api/task/:id
- POST /api/add_task
- PUT /api/update_task/:id
- DELETE /api/delete_task/:id
- POST /api/login
- POST /api/register
Open another terminal
``` bash
# enter the frontend directory
$ cd frontend/task-manager
``` bash
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run Server (http://localhost:5173)
npm run dev
# Run tests
npm test