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Rust Introduction

This hands-on session is designed to introduce programmers to the Rust programming language, focusing on syntax and simple concepts. Familiarity with other programming languages will be beneficial but is not mandatory.


  1. Install rustup (
  2. Install the latest stable toolchain (should be the default)
  3. Ensure that Rust is installed and accessible by running cargo --version
  4. Install an editor/IDE of your choice (e.g. VSCode with 'Rust Analyzer Extension')

Guidelines for a successful session

  • The session may take long, around 7 hours
  • We emphasize syntax and core introductory conteps, avoiding advanced features like generics. This allows participants to grasp the fundamentals and get started to explore Rust.
  • Our goal is to incrementally build understanding by extending a single file (
  • Tutors should only explain concepts covered in the slides. Explanations and guidance should align with the presented content, ensuring a coherent learning experience.
  • Tutors should engage with participants by walking around, answering questions, and providing guidance.

Things to improve / TODOs

  • more additional and optional tasks
  • struct initialization: how to access members? kommt theoretisch auf der nächsten Slide, aber vielleicht will man das früher?
  • ComplexNumber::norm lieber als Manhattan Norm implementieren?
  • Task 2, Schritt 4: Variablennamen tauschen, weil ist einfacher zum erklären
  • Meme beim Pattern Matching, lustiger werden
  • Option::nothing kompiliert nicht
  • Lernwochenende, Mittwoch
  • noch mehr Kontext zu dem Produktivcode, Anekdoten erhöhen
  • zu wenig Tutoren