This is a desktop application that helps students to learn technical words in four different languages such as English, Russian, Uzbek and Karakalpak languages. Mostly, It is being used at local institutes and universities in technical sciences.
Used Technologies: C# / WinForms Libraries: XanderUI / GunaUI2
The first window describes how to enter the system as client or admin. If you are user, you can learn words and other functionalities. Admin can only use it to add new words or delete existing ones.
Here, you can SignIn to the system and SignUp (Register) as new user.
This is a main window od app where you can check, search and listen words how they are spelt or written in various languages.
Another key feature of app, so you can print the the description of the word to the .pdf
Admin side of the app, here you can sign in. The main CRUD window of app, you can choose in which language you gonna add or delete.