This application is a javafx using jump and run game, where the player can select existing levels to play and create new levels.
We use a server-client-architecture to show and deliver existing levels with their highscores. For messages between each other we use the moshi (json) protocol.
This project is written with Java 17. It should download and install itself on running if not present on the user's maschine. If there are problems, please contact us.
As this project doesn't create a jar to run, you either will need to use the Terminal for running Gradle tasks or an IDE to run it interactively.
Caution: If the directory and file structure for the server got deleted or corrupted, a server restart is required to initialize the savefile structure.
In IntelliJ: Use the gradle task "owlngo > server > Tasks > application > run".
In Terminal: Use
./gradlew :server:run -q --console=plain
to start the server. Note:-q --console=plain
simply suppresses the gradle output in Terminal. Add if you wish.
In IntelliJ: Use the gradle task "owlngo > client > Tasks > application > run".
In Terminal: Use
./gradlew :client:run
to connect the client to the server. Note:-q --console=plain
simply suppresses the gradle output in Terminal. Add if you wish. -
For another username (default is your local machine username) type the following in Terminal:
./gradlew :client:run -q --console=plain --args="--username YOUR_USERNAME"
F - switch between walk mode and flight mode
W - jump
A - step to the left
D - step to the right
Q - jump to the left
E - jump to the right
W - fly up
X - fly down
A - fly to the left
D - fly to the right
Q - fly to the left and up
E - fly to the right and up
Y - fly to the left and down
C - fly to the right and down
##What we have so far (and what's coming next)
- created a simple server-client-architecture (but not used right now)
- created a game model handling the whole game
- created a javafx GUI currently showing just the gameplay screen (without showing a victory screen at the end)
- added network communication protocol in docs/ here
- added a timer and some controls to the gameplay screen as well as statistics
- added an editor
- added flight mode
- added endurance for flight mode
- added all previously concepted windows
- connected everything with the server-client-architecture