Vector was born out of a feeling of, for the lack of a better word; "necessity".
The messengers with all the cool features, have stark downsides: opt-in proprietary encryption (Telegram), no encryption at all (Discord), or encryption added, almost seemingly through pity, and most certainly with backdoors, to apps created by the world's largest and most anti-human tech conglomerates (Meta's WhatsApp).
The messengers with the most sovereign, decentralised, E2E Encrypted philosophies: lack incredibly basic features, or have such an archaic and illegible User Experience, that the modern user of this century feels as if they've returned to the Stone Age; flooded with a tangled-web of bugs, a slowness familiar only to P2P software, and governance issues.
In addition to security and privacy in communication, modern software has hit a brick wall: you now need half a gig of RAM to open a simple messaging app, and the React framework plagues the entire web.
Modern software wastes Modern compute, because developers have gotten lazy, and project managers have gotten greedy.
Vector; possibly naively, but surely bravely, aims to fill this gap.
Powered by Passion, Built on Nostr.
The following process was graciously written by PalmTree, give him a follow!
Rust Stable and Tauri must be installed along with other dependencies. The easiest way to do that is to follow this guide:
Assuming you want Vector in an apps
folder (adjust as necessary):
cd ~/apps && git pull
cd ~/apps/Vector && yarn add -D @tauri-apps/cli && yarn install
npm run tauri build
Check for updates:
cd ~/apps/Vector && git pull
Compiling is only necessary if files were updated when running the previous command:
npm run tauri build
The compiled Vector app can be found in the release folder located here:
cd ~/apps/Vector/src-tauri/target/release/