Compile and Deploy for Embedded Targets in both Java and C++.
EmbeddedTools adds compiler and library rules to make writing native software easier. For all projects, you can define deployment targets and artifacts. The deploy process works over SSH/SFTP and is extremely quick.
gradlew deploy
will deploy all artifacts
gradlew deploy<artifact name><target name>
will deploy only the specified artifact to the specified target
gradlew deploy -Pdeploy-dirty
will skip the cache check and force redeployment of all files
gradlew deploy -Pdeploy-dry
will do a 'dry run' (will not connect or deploy to target, instead only printing to console)
Include the following in your build.gradle
plugins {
id "jaci.gradle.EmbeddedTools" version "<latest version>"
See for the latest version
import jaci.gradle.toolchains.*
import jaci.gradle.nativedeps.*
// DSL (all properties optional unless stated as required)
deploy {
targets {
target('myTarget') {
directory = '/home/myuser' // The root directory to start deploying to. Default: user home
maxChannels = 1 // The number of channels to open on the target (how many files / commands to run at the same time). Default: 1
timeout = 3 // Timeout to use when connecting to target. Default: 3 (seconds)
failOnMissing = true // Should the build fail if the target can't be found? Default: true
locations {
ssh {
address = "mytarget.local" // Required. The address to try
user = 'myuser' // Required. The user to login as
password = '' // The password for the user. Default: blank (empty) string
ipv6 = false // Are IPv6 addresses permitted? Default: false
artifacts {
all {
directory = 'mydir' // Subdirectory to use. Relative to target directory
targets << 'myTarget' // Targets to deploy to
onlyIf = { execute('echo Hi').result == 'Hi' } // Check closure for artifact. Will not deploy if evaluates to false
predeploy << { execute 'echo Pre' } // After onlyIf, but before deploy logic
postdeploy << { execute 'echo Post' } // After this artifact's deploy logic
disabled = true // Disable this artifact. Default: false.
dependsOn('someTask') // Make this artifact depend on a task
fileArtifact('myFileArtifact') {
file = file('myFile') // Set the file to deploy. Required.
filename = 'myFile.dat' // Set the filename to deploy to. Default: same name as file
// FileCollectionArtifact is a flat collection of files - directory structure is not preserved
fileCollectionArtifact('myFileCollectionArtifact') {
files = fileTree(dir: 'myDir') // Required. Set the filecollection (e.g. filetree, files, etc) to deploy
// FileTreeArtifact is like a FileCollectionArtifact, but the directory structure is preserved
fileTreeArtifact('myFileTreeArtifact') {
files = fileTree(dir: 'mydir') // Required. Set the fileTree (e.g. filetree, ziptree) to deploy
commandArtifact('myCommandArtifact') {
command = 'echo Hello' // The command to run. Required.
// Output will be stored in 'result' after execution
// JavaArtifact inherits from FileArtifact
javaArtifact('myJavaArtifact') {
jar = 'jar' // The jar (or Jar task) to deploy. Default: 'jar'
// Note: This artifact will automatically depend on the jar build task
// NativeArtifact inherits from FileArtifact
nativeArtifact('myNativeArtifact') {
component = 'my_program' // Required. The name of the native component (model.components {}) to deploy.
targetPlatform = 'desktop' // The name of the native platform (model.platforms {}) to deploy.
// Note: This artifact will automatically depend on the native component link task
// NativeLibraryArtifact inherits from FileCollectionArtifact
nativeLibraryArtifact('myNativeLibraryArtifact') {
library = 'mylib' // Required. Name of library (model.libraries {}) to deploy.
targetPlatform = 'desktop' // The name of the native platform (model.platforms {}) to deploy.
flavor = 'myFlavor' // The name of the flavor (model.flavors {}) to deploy.
buildType = 'myBuildType' // The name of the buildType (model.buildTypes {}) to deploy.
model {
libraries {
all {
libraryName = 'myactuallib' // The name to give this library in useLibrary and when referencing from other places.
targetPlatform = 'desktop' // The name of the native platform (model.platforms {}) this lib is built for
targetPlatforms = ['desktop1', 'desktop2'] // Same as targetPlatform, but for multiple platforms.
flavor = 'myFlavor' // The name of the flavor (model.flavors {}) this lib is for
buildType = 'myBuildType' // The name of the buildType (model.buildTypes {}) this lib is for
mylib(NativeLib) {
headerDirs << 'include' // Directories for headers
sourceDirs << 'sources' // Directories for sources
staticMatchers << '**/*.a' // Static Libraries to be linked at compile time
sharedMatchers << '**/*.so' // Shared Libraries to be linked at compile time
dynamicMatchers << '**/*.so' // Libraries that aren't linked, but still needed at runtime.
systemLibs << 'm' // System libs to load with -l (provided by toolchain)
maven = "some.maven.package:mylib:1.0.0@zip" // Load from maven. Must be a zip or zip-compatible (like a jar)
file = project.file("") // Load from filesystem instead. Can be given a zip or a directory.
// You can create a collection of libraries using CombinedNativeLib
myComboLib(CombinedNativeLib) {
libs << 'myactuallib' << 'someotherlib'
components {
my_program(NativeExecutableSpec) {
embeddedTools.useLibrary(it, "myComboLib")