docs(content): updating nuxt content to reflect new function and version 41e76e9
feat(add-object-property): new function with unit tests for adding a new property to an object 5f1eb22
docs(keywords): adding keywords to nuxt.config.js meta array eab2f23
docs(seo): adding meta tag information for open graph and twitter to config 729921e
fix(favicon): changing favicon from png to ico 1125c3a
docs(readme): cleaning up format of main repo readme febad4c
feat(hide): added hide show feat to index for util boxes 9d14fa6
fix(style): fixing padding for default hero and fix for whitespace on mobile f941072
feat(search): adding a working search bar which filters any metadata item for each util 16ce4d0
refactor(nav): moving nav from default to index page to allow searchh 9ca0f31
fix(vue): renaming key for util page component 757fe19
style(logo): re-size for reduced pixelation and better formatting on mobile e9d3499
style(search-button): making the search button sexier c76bb9c
fix(dir): correcting dir ref for write in docToJson 5e88f45
style(search): making text inside search bar thinner 539d49d
fix(tools): correcting reference to readfile with valid dir ref 3fa3cf9
fix(config): renaming icons to imports for font awesome module be3f29e
fix(ci): renaming ci step and fixing docToJson dir ref 6293785
feat(docs): adding docs homepage with list of functions using nuxt content c39c356
feat(default): adding nav and footer with nuxt content to spa 5fd839a
build(font-awesome): adding font-awesome as dev dependencies to nuxt f137ff5
style(font-awesome): adding font awesome as a module to nuxt 66b2f7c
build(content): defined content json to populate docs through nuxt fbb3d85
style(tailwind): adding custom fig color to tailwind config setter 014fdaa
ci(docs): re-generates nuxt util content in docs CI 827495a
refactor(clean): removing deprecated files from docs nuxt a1f42aa
build(docs): created script to convert js docs to json for nuxt content 5b5cd68
docs(capitalise): correcting error on params for jsdocs b276ee2
docs(format): updated format of jsdocs for each function and defined func export explicitly acdaab2
style(readme): updating the order of information on readme 1f4fcaf
fix(favicon): correct favicon is generated through nuxt and served to the client 1e3c018
docs(style): adding npm install command to default layout with tailwind css 85a8fd6
docs(format): cleaning up default.vue for layouts and importing relevant images 6d7130d
docs(meta): changing the type of favicon from icon to png 2798947
docs(meta): adding meta description and correcting favicon 0459767
refactor(components): removed readme in nuxt components folder b4bcdcd
build(ci): change publish_dir to include docs directory 5779fa5
build(nuxt): revert router to polyfig base 788bbc9
fix(nuxt): adding polyfig/docs to base of the router 438f8c9
docs(readme): removing readme from docs root 0c35243
build(ci): use npm instead of yarn to call nuxt generate a955d8f
style(format): cleaning up code format for readability of Logo.vue e9355ea
ci(build): removing publish_branch from docs github actionn 8fae421
style(code): formatting code in default.vue for readability decb697
docs(ci): making the publish branch for nuxt generated docs main 667ee27
docs(format): clean up code spacing format for readability 3e41d3e
ci(build): changed runs-on to latest ubuntu version 9c9479d
style(format): formatting index.vue for better code spacing and readability 6aaf438
build(ci): correct working directory to docs without / 0eeadac
build(ci): format name of docs action 09a709c
build(ci): rename the job to docs from cd 4ec035c
docs(build): removing deploy script from package.json in docs 6c625e2
build(docs): rename build github action to docs 90906f4
build(actions): created action to deploy nuxt dist and removed local deploy b637f11
docs(nuxt): created nuxt + tailwind css boilerplate for docs generation ea4a123
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