This project is authored by Jan Swierczek-Jereczek. To (locally) reproduce it, do the following:
- Download this code base. Notice that raw data are typically not included in the git-history and may need to be downloaded independently.
- Open a Julia console and do:
julia> using Pkg julia> Pkg.add("DrWatson") # install globally, for using `quickactivate` julia> Pkg.activate("path/to/this/project") julia> Pkg.instantiate()
This will install all necessary packages for you to be able to run the scripts and everything should work out of the box, including correctly finding local paths.
You may notice that all scripts start with the command:
which activates the project, imports important packages and enables local path handling from DrWatson.
This repository aims to centralise the julia regridding routines used within the palma-ice group. The internal workflow can be summarized as:
- Load the source data on the source grid by using
and define an interpolator by usingInterpolations.jl
. We here require the user to have preprocessed their data into a NetCDF file. - Define the target grid. For this we use
, which is memory-efficient and simple to use. - Compute the associated coordinates on the projection where the source data is defined. For this we use
which offers a wide range of transformations that can be easily adjusted through keyword arguments. - Pass the target grid to the interpolator.
We propose to illustrate this with an example, where the geothermal heat flux (GHF) data from Hazzard and Richards (2024) is regridded from lon-lat to stereographic:
using CairoMakie, Interpolations, NetCDF, Proj
# Step 1
filepath = datadir("BCs/Hazzard-Richards-2024/")
lon = ncread(filepath, "lon")
lat = ncread(filepath, "lat")
μ_ghf = ncread(filepath, "z")
μ_ghf_itp = linear_interpolation((lon, lat), μ_ghf, extrapolation_bc = (Periodic(), Flat()))
# Step 2
x = range(-3040f3, stop = 3040f3, step = 32f3)
y = copy(x)
X, Y = ndgrid(x, y)
# Step 3
source2target = Proj.Transformation("EPSG:4326", "+proj=stere +lat_0=-90 +lat_ts=-80", always_xy=true)
target2source = inv(source2target)
coords = target2source.(X, Y)
Lon = map(x -> x[1], coords)
Lat = map(x -> x[2], coords)
# Step 4
μ_new = μ_ghf_itp.(Lon, Lat)
This code snippet is presents some important drawbacks:
- it is somewhat verbose,
- it is not generic,
- it gets particularly tedious when having various files and/or variables,
- it does not include a general routine to save the results to a new netCDF file.
This is addressed by the convenience functions implemented in StructuredRegridding
# Load all packages and routines that are needed
# Define regridding config
source_dimnames = ("lon", "lat")
target_dimnames = ("x", "y")
varnames = ("z",)
filename = "BCs/Hazzard-Richards-2024/HR24_GHF"
source_gridname = "EPSG:4326"
target_gridname = "+proj=stere +lat_0=-90 +lat_ts=-80"
extrapolation_boundary_conditions = (Periodic(), Flat())
# Define mean GHF regridding
regrid_μ_ghf = StructuredRegridding(
# Define stddev GHF regridding
regrid_σ_ghf = StructuredRegridding(
# Regridding
x = range(-3040f3, stop = 3040f3, step = 32f3)
y = copy(x)
target_dims = (x, y)
target_grid = ndgrid(target_dims...)
# Filter out missing values and pack into a tuple.
target_μ = regrid_μ_ghf(target_grid)[1]
target_σ = regrid_σ_ghf(target_grid)[1]
varnames = ("mu_ghf", "sigma_ghf")
vars = (target_μ, target_σ)
# Visualize regridded data for sanity check
fig = Figure(size = (800, 400))
for j in eachindex(varnames)
ax = Axis(fig[1, j], aspect = DataAspect())
heatmap!(ax, vars[j])
# Save regridded data
x_atts = Dict("units" => "m", "long_name" => "x-coordinate")
y_atts = Dict("units" => "m", "long_name" => "y-coordinate")
dim_atts = (x_atts, y_atts)
μ_ghf_atts = Dict("units" => "mW/m^2", "long_name" => "Mean geothermal heat flux")
σ_ghf_atts = Dict("units" => "mW/m^2", "long_name" =>
"Standard deviation of geothermal heat flux")
var_atts = (μ_ghf_atts, σ_ghf_atts)
fn = datadir("$")
save2nc(fn, target_dimnames, target_dims, dim_atts, varnames, vars, var_atts)
That's it!
There are other ways to perform this operation and we here want to briefly outline why we chose to use the one outlined above. Interpolations.jl
is a performant and well-maintained package that offers a user-friendly treatment of the boundary conditions, which is important for geoscientific application, for isntance when we use lon-lat grids. However, Interpolations.jl
requires rectangular grids as source. This is achieved with the workflow above and could not be done so easily if we would project the (lon, lat)
vectors to (x, y)
The projections of Proj.jl
are numerous and sometimes a bit cryptic at first glance but a thorough description of them can be found at
- accept delimited files as input with cols = (x, y, ..., data)
In future, we will try to make StructuredRegridding.jl
as general as possible. For now, we however prefer to define some important conventions that prevent such flexibility but ease the initial development:
- We always use
(lon, lat)
Visualizing data constitutes the main step of a sanity check. For this, we use CairoMakie.jl
Additionally, Geostats.jl
is included in this project since it offers a nice interface to filter data, include units, visualize non-equispaced data... etc. However it is not ready yet to perform the regridding task we here focus on (might come in future releases).