Basically, Jaxogram is a "Photo Sharing" application, working on social networks such as Orkut. In the spirit of targeting the largest audience, it runs on Firefox OS.
Jaxo's Mozilla Marketplace id is [email protected] (the password is the standard one).
To test the packaging of Jaxogram for the marketplace:
- For safety...
- Remove the Firefox OS Simulator from Firefox
- do
Firefox->Tools->Add Ons->Extensions
- select Firefox OS Simulator,
- press the Remove button
- do
- Reinstall the Firefox OS Simulator from
Start the Firefox OS Simulator and turn on Developer Mode, which is a setting buried deep in
Settings->Device Information->More Information->Developer
Run the
shell script.
First time use? ModifypkgMe
, so it knows your URL server address, and the top directory of your local server files
PkgMe does:
- create a packaged app from jaxogram/war:
zip jaxogram -x */.DS_Store -r manifest.webapp index.html favicon.ico js style applogos images
- create an install.html and package.manifest
- all these files being saved into the top level directory of your local Web server files
Install the jaxogram app by entering the following in Firefox in the Firefox OS Simulator:
http://<URL server address>/install.html
With jaxogram successfully installed, start jaxogram and try
Who am I?
Good links:
Robert Nymam's packaged app, derived from fxosstub:
Sample XHR, crossdomainrequest.js,
Firefox OS permission matrix,
- User (Apache2 server on Ottokar, or Firefox Mobile Device);
- Jaxo (localhost:8888/jaxogram, or;
- Orkut.
User -> Jaxo (OP=getURL): I want to pass the auth procedure
Jaxo -> Orkt: Point me to your URL for auth registration, and call me back
when the user is done with
(CB with OP=backCall, and User address, aka referer)
| Except for packaged app:
| referer contains a random key ("authKey"), because
| the user address doesn't exist
Jaxo stores the "accessor" into a session variable
Orkt -> Jaxo: here is the auth URL where User must navigate to
Jaxo -> User: window.location = the auth URL
| Except for packaged app:
| we do *not* leave the app, or we would never return to it,
| What is done:
| - Open a mozbrowser as an iframe [requires: browser perm]
| - Point the iframe at the auth URL
[No valid Session ID here]
User -> Orkt: I authorize Jaxo to issue requests on my behalf (or I deny access)
Orkt -> Jaxo (OP=backCall): User said OK, here is your "verifier"
- redirects the response to User (the referer)
- passes the oauth "verifier" in the parameters (and OP=backCall)
| Except for packaged app, where Jaxo:
| - stores the oauth "verifier" in the memcache, under the key
| "authKey"
| - the "User" has provided a watch-dog ("getVerifier"),
| waiting for this action
Jaxo -> User: interprets the OP backcall as an XHR
| Except for packaged app:
| Jaxo's dog wakes up, get the "verifier" from the memcache,
| and kills the mozbrowser
[Session ID again valid]
User -> Jaxo: (OP=getAccPss) obtain the "access password", given the "accessor" and the
save the "access password" in a session variable
Jaxo -> User: here is your access pass
User saves it in Permanent Local Storage
From the Permanent Locale Storage, User gets the "access password", and tells Jaxo to use it: OP=postAccessPass
- Simulate a basic exchange:
Eclipse, localhost:8888, Server and Jaxo on GAE simulator:
in "jaxogram.js", make sure server_url is set to "http://localhost:8888/jaxogram" start JaxoGram on localhost:8888
Never underestimate JavaScript problems (typos may kill you), even if the following step is a pain in the neck DO IT.
- Simulate Jaxo separated from Server
Eclipse Server at localhost:8888, Jaxo on Ottokar:
in "jaxogram.js", [line numbering may change... look for lines starting with "//OT-LH*/"] make sure server_url is set to "http://localhost:8888/jaxogram" line 19: uncomment (that is, replace the 2nd slash with a star): //OT-LH*/ isPackaged = true; // testing on ottokar/localhost line 312...313 uncomment: //OT-LH*/ browserFrame.src = server_url + "?OP=backCallTest&JXK=bougnoul&oauth_verifier=tombouctou" comment out the next line: "browserFrame.src = targetUrl;" line 345...346 uncomment "//OT-LH*/ alert("Bingo!\nVerifier is: " + verifier);" comment out the next line: "registerUser(verifier)" from ~/jaxoapps/jaxogram enter "pkgMe" from /home/pgr/.gvfs/build on ottokar/sites/jaxogram "unzip" start Jaxogram on ottokar/jaxogram
Don't forget to clean up your changes!
- Firefox OS simulator
See "Market Place" above
from ~/jaxoapps/jaxogram enter "pkgMe" install from "http://ottokar/jaxogram/install.html"