This is a modification of the default Solarized Light Atom syntax theme, especially targeted towards PHP. The default solarized colors are nice for viewing, but I feel like they don't provide enough visual contrast between elements.
I chose the colors, weights, and styles to provide a little more "pop" between the elements while retaining a color scheme heavy on green/blue/gray with orange and purple accents; hence the name "Bold Nature".
apm install JeremyBuchmann/solarized-light-syntax
- No color differentiation between public, protected, and private. Ideally, I'd make public green, protected yellow, and private red, but Atom's parser(?) doesn't seem to provide any way to differentiate between them.
- Single-line SQL statements have syntax highlighting while multi-line ones do not. This seems to be the intended behavior from the parent project, but it's very odd-looking, at least in this color scheme.
- Regular expressions also have syntax highlighting, which also looks weird to me.