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Karol Putra edited this page Dec 28, 2016 · 12 revisions

📘Repo is made for both casual and technical users!

If you have any problems with Remix OS for PC or want to suggest patches, help other users, add feature requests etc. - this is the perfect place for you!

We want to provide a great feedback system with all issues being public and free to comment by all registered GitHub users.

Our moderators are taking care of keeping the Issues tab clutter free and the engineers review most important or most popular issues on a regular basis.

Issues tab image

The core of Remix OS For PC repository is the Issues tab where you can post or find things like:

  • Hardware related problems;
    • when your WiFi, Bluetooth or dedicated graphics card etc. don't work as intended
  • Bugs in system or 3rd party apps;
    • when something works, but with some glitches or hiccups
  • Requests for new features and better hardware support
  • Suggestions for enhancements to existing features
  • Questions about some features, how the system parts work and other mostly technical subjects
  • Solutions to already solved issues
  • And much more!

Issues tab contains all the reports submitted by users divided into 2 main categories - Open and Closed.

Category containing all new issues and the ones already being dealt with by the community or Jide team. Once an issue is considered solved/outdated/incorrect it can be closed by the issue author or by the repository Collaborators (moderators/Jide team members).

Here you can find all issues considered as solved/outdated/exhausted/etc. Closed issues may contain answers to your questions or solutions to your problems.

The issues tab allows you to view a list of issues with information including: author, labels, milestones and asignees. Asignees are the users with priviledges to maintain the repository - this includes moderators and Jide team members.

Sorting issues

Note that the issues list can also be sorted by: date, number of comments, recent updates, number of reactions. It's a very useful tool for determining most popular and important issues. Be sure to use it!

[Searching issues]

  1. Search for both open and closed issues.
  • Use filter is:issue instead of the default is:open/closed is:issue.
  • You can also remove the whole filter, but it will result in showing pull requests too if any exist.
  1. Always exhaust your ideas for search phrases - it will raise your chances of finding what you look for!

If you want to share your thoughts on the issue or "sign" under it - please add a comment or a reaction.

This will give the issue better recognition and potential higher priority over other issues.

Add comment reaction

🔴 Most importantly, try and stick to the scheme shown on New issue page.

Please follow the guidelines below, otherwise you will be asked to update the issue accordingly.

Adding issue

  1. Make up your mind

    Are you sure your issue is a thing? It's best to try and reproduce the problem a few times to be certain.

  2. Search

Make sure your problem isn't already solved or reported somewhere out there.

Use the following sources:

  1. Haven't found anything? Okay, let's add a new issue - please follow below schemes and rules.

Be specific and substantive, a good title is one step towards getting attention.

ALWAYS follow the below template for issue Title:

For hardware/drivers/booting/peripherals/specific-device related issues:

[Remix OS version][Remix OS architecture] Brand Model - problem

For software/features/other issues:

[Remix OS version][Remix OS architecture <-*optional] Problem


  • [3.0.206][32bit] Asus T100TA - using microphone freezes and breaks the system
  • [3.0.205] Autorotation feature
  • [3.0.205] Apps sorting in the app drawer

🔴 If possible, stick to the scheme shown on New issue page.

These articles on bug reporting may be of use:

Check next section for examples!


  • Title: [3.0.205][64bit] Taskbar dissapears on its own

    Comment: Shortly after booting the system up, the taskbar dissapears and doesn't come back. I have the autohide feature disabled. I've attached the logfiles for you. Please help.

  • Obligatorily add hardware info (brand and model of the device and the described peripheral)
  • Remember to attach the logs! read Getting log files


  • Title: [3.0.205][64bit] Brand Model AB123 - Bluetooth doesn't work

Comment: I've tried enabling Bluetooth, but it won't work. I've attached logs for you. Please help.

If it's a feature request, be sure to argument why it should be incorporated into the system.


  • Title: [3.0.205] Dark theme

Comment: Please add a dark theme to the system - for the notification center, taskbar, start menu, settings etc. Lots of users prefer dark over light/bright, we'd love to get that theme. Thanks

Logs are text files consisting of errors, hardware and software info - all the information very useful in debugging and troubleshooting. It's essential that you include them in your issues.

Scenarios for log grabbing:

###1. Successful Remix OS boot up

  • Use script in ALT+F1 terminal: (script included with the system)
    • Use ALT+F1 hotkey to open terminal. If it doesn't work, you need to enable debug terminal in Settings -> Experimental Features
    • Enter command: sh /system/bin/
    • All other details will be displayed by the script in terminal output
    • To get back to the Graphical User Interface (GUI) use ALT+F7 hotkey

ALT-F1 logtool script

  • or use script in Termux:(requires root permissions)(script included with the system)
    • Start Termux > select option of choice in Welcome popup
    • Enter command: su
    • Allow Termux root permissions (popup will appear)
    • Enter command: sh /system/bin/
    • All other details will be displayed by the script in Termux output

Termux logtool script

  • Additionally log recorder app - Logcat Extreme - Not preinstalled - Download link.

    This app is perfect for recording errors that occur while performing specific set of actions.

    It saves more definitive, issue oriented data easier to process by the debugger.

    Recording bug occurence with Logcat Extreme app:(requires root permissions)

    • Start Logcat Extreme app > Accept the license
    • Allow root permissions (popup will appear)
    • Click on the circular "+" icon and select Record from the menu
    • Allow storage access
    • Now perform actions that result in a bug or a problem

Logcat Extreme record

If booting process hangs on:

  • Remix OS Logo
  • "_" in top left corner
  • black screen
  • ANDROID root@remix_x86/_x64 # command line

At boot menu, select and run Verbose Mode entry

In some cases you'll need to enter Advanced Options submenu first.

Verbose Mode entry

Log files will be automatically saved in few locations:

  1. Remix OS installation folder/RemixOS_Logs:

    If you installed to C:/RemixOS then logs will be saved to C:/RemixOS/RemixOS_Logs

  2. REMIX_OS:/RemixOS_Logs - Windows friendly USB partition

    If you installed Remix OS to USB/other removable medium using the official Windows installer, then look for folder RemixOS_Logs in partition labeled REMIX_OS.

Which log files do we use?

###The Logtool script saves:

  1. logcat (most useful if recorded using Logcat Extreme)
  2. dmesg
  3. lspci
  4. lsmod
  5. lsusb
  6. cpuinfo

Logs folder

###Verbose Mode saves following logs in folder Automatic:

  1. dmidecode
  2. dmesg
  3. lspci
  4. lsusb
  5. cpuinfo

Also a more seamless and easy way of giving feedback is on the way - stay tuned!

Thanks to:

  • moman2000 - for all the Logtool scripts and Verbose Mode testing!
  • dpeter99 for throwing a tip on adding issue template